Last night...

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Sep 10, 2007
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My 2 guinea pigs Roxy and Fizz came inside for cuddles and some lettuce as a treat. Fizz sat on me and Roxy sat on my Dad who was sat about a metre away from me on the sofa. They had been there about 5 mins and already finished their lettuce when they both started putting their noses in the air and sniffing round. I dont know what was up with them because Fizz is normally the good one and Roxy is cheeky but Fizz was very fidgety and started wriggling then I heard my Dad. He put Roxy down and showed me his finger, Roxy had bit him, it was a pretty deep cut too and was bleeding really bad and stinging a lot. Roxy has never bit anyone before and my Dad couldnt have done anything to upset her I just dont know what could have spooked them both so much. any ideas?
Our Blaze gave us a couple of nasty bites, he mainly did it when we were about to put him back in his cage. We don't know his history before he came to live with us, but he got over it within a few months. We wondered if he had negative associations with being picked up or put back in his cage, but that wouldn't explain why Roxy would have bitten your Dad :-\ Could Roxy have felt a little unsafe, I mean if she was being held a little awkwardly without your dad realising maybe?
She wasnt really being held becuse when we feed them we normally just let them sit on our knee if you know what I mean and It just weird that they both started to smell something at the same time

Thanks for your help anwyay
Not much help! They can be such skittish things. Blaze gave me a hefty bite when he was sitting quietly on my lap for no apparent reason, I never knew why!
my Xavier used to bite but now i know why.

the boys dont bite me but like to sometimes lick the salt off my fingers.

maybe they thought they could smell a predator or something?
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