Should you do it or just leave them be until it's over. Coco has some really strong seasons sometimes and right now she's stroppy as but i think really needs a break from Patchy trying to sniff her bum lol.
If you don't want to do lap time but want to give Coco a break maybe pop one of them into a large laundry basked lined with a couple of towels and a few pieces of fresh veg for an hour.
The laundry basket is always my go to space when someone needs to be separated for a short time, and I can't be bothered to set up the run.
In fact Ruby LOVES being in the laundry basket, and would probably live there quite happily if I let her.
Argghhhhh I hate strong seasons. Our two girls are in a 6x3 c&c which is huge for them (due to losses this year) and Widget still chases Chickpea none stop during season time. Luckily last weeks was only a 12 hr one by the look of it and peace reigned once more...
My Betsy is a right stroppy sow when in season. The only way to calm her down is finger nail caresses under her left eye but never the right eye. When she knows she is being put back with the others she does NOT like it she bucks and squeaks like I'm about to kill her!
We just had a day and a quarter of hell and everyone being rumbled at and me being rumbled at every time I walked past, she really was really upset with me probably because I gave the cage a extra spot clean and pad change because the cage smelt stronger than normal and disturbed her. Is it normal for the sows to be a bit smellier when they are in season as I have found this to be quite common when one of them is in season. Anyway thank god things are back to normal, normal for her is every body is pond scum and she doesn't want anything to do with them (unless there is food involved) minus the rumbling.
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