Lap Time Issues

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 11, 2015
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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful christmas!

So my girls are about 9 months old now. When the piggies are on my lap for cuddles they immediately chew and pull at my clothes. Normally id associate this with needing the toilet but they are doing it right away! :( what might it be?
Hi, have they always done this? Do you have them on your lap at the same time? I found when I had 2 pigs at the same time they became asbo pigs but when I separated them there was no bad behaviour and they bonded with me much better.
Do they enjoy lap time? My jemima loves her holland but only on her terms not theirs which means no lap times. She starts nibbling clothes almost immediately in eagerness to go back in the hutch. None of my other pigs have ever done this. I try not to take it too personally lol
One is worse than the other. Its something they have developed in the last month. they squeak away when they are getting petted and as the time goes on they stop nibbling and pulling my clothes but i don't want to force them :( ill try separately. I just feel if theres no lap time they have no human contact, they are very skittery in the cage and run away before i can stoke them even with food.

Thank you for your help!
Hi, have they always done this? Do you have them on your lap at the same time? I found when I had 2 pigs at the same time they became asbo pigs but when I separated them there was no bad behaviour and they bonded with me much better.
They squeak away so I'm guessing so. One takes a while to squeak she's frightened and I'm trying hard. Just in their nature to be wary. She's the boss in the cage.
Sounds like they are just trying it on if you ask me, almost like they will see if you give in first but also sounds like they enjoy lap time. I generally have Jemima out for short periods, like you say if you don't then they don't have human contact but I don't go too long as she just doesn't enjoy it like the others do.
Hi, this is my first time posting but I came on this forum looking for this very same problem.

My daughters have 2, 9 week old sow sisters who they've now had for 3 weeks. From the start one of them fidgeted when being handled & still does yet the other one sat as good as gold & really enjoyed lap time. The problem is the good one has started to pull at my daughters clothes. At first she did it towards the end of lap time but now it's straight away & she wants to be off. Even though they are sisters they have had a dominance issue going on since we got them, chasing, nose offs, that sort of thing. I'm worried that this has made the calm piggie aggressive & less tolerant. She really didn't like me touching her earlier either on her back, could there be something else going on, they seem to scratch a lot to me!

Sorry to put so many issues forward in one post, we really want happy piggies so if any one has any ideas please.
Hi, this is my first time posting but I came on this forum looking for this very same problem.

My daughters have 2, 9 week old sow sisters who they've now had for 3 weeks. From the start one of them fidgeted when being handled & still does yet the other one sat as good as gold & really enjoyed lap time. The problem is the good one has started to pull at my daughters clothes. At first she did it towards the end of lap time but now it's straight away & she wants to be off. Even though they are sisters they have had a dominance issue going on since we got them, chasing, nose offs, that sort of thing. I'm worried that this has made the calm piggie aggressive & less tolerant. She really didn't like me touching her earlier either on her back, could there be something else going on, they seem to scratch a lot to me!

Sorry to put so many issues forward in one post, we really want happy piggies so if any one has any ideas please.

You would be more likely to get people seeing this post and posting useful answers if you started a new separate thread. I'm sure someone will be along to separate it up for you or you may want to look at starting a new thread anyway.

If the piggies seem to be in discomfort from being touched and seem to be scratching a lot then it could well be a case of mites. Treatment is simple from a vet if this is the case. I would recommend finding a local guinea pig savvy vet who can give them a health check, potentially check for mites and/or give them an injection to treat mites. Be aware that they may need 2 treatments - 1 for the live mites and 1 to kill off the eggs. Obviously mites irritate the skin and would explain scratching and a dislike to being stroked (especially if this has worsened) and you can't see mites with the human eye so you wouldn't know to look at them.
You would be more likely to get people seeing this post and posting useful answers if you started a new separate thread. I'm sure someone will be along to separate it up for you or you may want to look at starting a new thread anyway.

If the piggies seem to be in discomfort from being touched and seem to be scratching a lot then it could well be a case of mites. Treatment is simple from a vet if this is the case. I would recommend finding a local guinea pig savvy vet who can give them a health check, potentially check for mites and/or give them an injection to treat mites. Be aware that they may need 2 treatments - 1 for the live mites and 1 to kill off the eggs. Obviously mites irritate the skin and would explain scratching and a dislike to being stroked (especially if this has worsened) and you can't see mites with the human eye so you wouldn't know to look at them.

Thank you for your reply, I've actually started a new thread with another issue (dominance) I'm a newbie to forums as well as piggies! Pixie actually sat really well tonight for lap time, we're wondering if she preferred to come out after tea when her tum is full. She let my daughter stroke her and hold her for a good 20 mins. They are both still scratching though and Pixie is doing sideways leaps around the cage, so I'll find a good vet & get them checked out, thank you for your advice.
Thank you for your reply, I've actually started a new thread with another issue (dominance) I'm a newbie to forums as well as piggies! Pixie actually sat really well tonight for lap time, we're wondering if she preferred to come out after tea when her tum is full. She let my daughter stroke her and hold her for a good 20 mins. They are both still scratching though and Pixie is doing sideways leaps around the cage, so I'll find a good vet & get them checked out, thank you for your advice.
I always handle mine after they have been fed; trimming nails, giving medication etc is so much easier with a pig with a full tummy ;) @stacey1234 have you tried feeding them before getting them out for laptime?
I always handle mine after they have been fed; trimming nails, giving medication etc is so much easier with a pig with a full tummy ;) @stacey1234 have you tried feeding them before getting them out for laptime?

We were trying to get into a routine of feeding in the morning, then come in from school have handling time and give them tea as they go back in the cage. After tonight, seeing how calm she was, we're thinking it might be better handling after tea. It's all trial and error isn't it, the routine can change, so long as the piggies are happy. Thank you.
@stacey1234 my piggies do NOT like being held together on one lap, so a I have to hold them on their own which is fine. They sometimes fight if held together and generally don't like it. One to one is much better though, it has certainly improved my relationships with them :)

@Rach75 they're still babies so have a lot to get used too, in my experience piggies aren't aggressive (unless they have to be which I think isn't often). They have their ways to tell you off (head butting, teeth chattering and the occassionally nibble) which my girlies often do when they are fed up of something lol. 9 weeks is still incredibly young, I wouldn't worry too much and just keep doing what you're doing in a stress free way as they can get spooked quite easily. Before you know it they'll be climbing all over you and your daughters haha :)
@stacey1234 my piggies do NOT like being held together on one lap, so a I have to hold them on their own which is fine. They sometimes fight if held together and generally don't like it. One to one is much better though, it has certainly improved my relationships with them :)

@Rach75 they're still babies so have a lot to get used too, in my experience piggies aren't aggressive (unless they have to be which I think isn't often). They have their ways to tell you off (head butting, teeth chattering and the occassionally nibble) which my girlies often do when they are fed up of something lol. 9 weeks is still incredibly young, I wouldn't worry too much and just keep doing what you're doing in a stress free way as they can get spooked quite easily. Before you know it they'll be climbing all over you and your daughters haha :)

Pixie did head butt as well as pull, she really didn't want to be handled. She also had an experimental lick then chew of my youngest daughters hand! Thing is I do appreciate they are very young and at the moment they are getting used to everything. They are gorgeous, they already greet us in a morning and are becoming braver & bolder everyday. Thank you.
Thank you for your reply, I've actually started a new thread with another issue (dominance) I'm a newbie to forums as well as piggies! Pixie actually sat really well tonight for lap time, we're wondering if she preferred to come out after tea when her tum is full. She let my daughter stroke her and hold her for a good 20 mins. They are both still scratching though and Pixie is doing sideways leaps around the cage, so I'll find a good vet & get them checked out, thank you for your advice.

The sideways leaps might be nothing to worry about. When piggies are happy they do something called "popcorning" which can look like them having a fit in all honesty, if you have a look on youtube there are lots of videos of popcorning piggies (I will warn you it's addictive to watch) but it should let you see whether this is what your Pixie is doing
Pixie did head butt as well as pull, she really didn't want to be handled. She also had an experimental lick then chew of my youngest daughters hand! Thing is I do appreciate they are very young and at the moment they are getting used to everything. They are gorgeous, they already greet us in a morning and are becoming braver & bolder everyday. Thank you.

My Bella does this bitey nibble/lick/kiss thing to me all the time, I've decided it's her version of affection lol. Plus sometimes they both have a little experimental bite to see if I'm food or not! Be aware that some piggies don't like to be touched in certain places, especially when they're very young. My Cissy doesn't like her nose being stroked more than once, and neither of them liked their tummies being touched but they're alright with it now. Some piggies don't like their sides being touch, some their bums etc so it's about getting used to their likes and dislikes. These displays might be them trying to tell you they don't like something you've just done.

I find with all animals it's patience! My cat took about 5 years to be 100% comfortable with normal cat stuff, she wouldn't let her tummy be touched for about 4 years. Now she's 8 and she won't let you go to sleep without a cuddle and a tummy rub XD Rn she's on my lap having a tummy rub and a cuddle haha.
The sideways leaps might be nothing to worry about. When piggies are happy they do something called "popcorning" which can look like them having a fit in all honesty, if you have a look on youtube there are lots of videos of popcorning piggies (I will warn you it's addictive to watch) but it should let you see whether this is what your Pixie is doing

Oh my goodness! Popcorning piggies on You Tube. Ours do popcorn round the cage frequently but Pixie goes mental like some of the ones on the vids. I thought she might have an irritation. Thank you for that, it's put my mind at rest.
Oh my goodness! Popcorning piggies on You Tube. Ours do popcorn round the cage frequently but Pixie goes mental like some of the ones on the vids. I thought she might have an irritation. Thank you for that, it's put my mind at rest.

Haha yes some are a bit more special than others, I had one piggy that could easily spend half an hour zooming the same circuit round his cage and then fall asleep in the open, my OH thought there might be something wrong with him because it was so different to the behaviour of my other pigs.
Haha yes some are a bit more special than others, I had one piggy that could easily spend half an hour zooming the same circuit round his cage and then fall asleep in the open, my OH thought there might be something wrong with him because it was so different to the behaviour of my other pigs.

Sometimes when my Cissy starts popcorning she can't stop! It is a bit like a seizure haha it looks quite uncomfortable sometimes XD Bella popcorns here and there but she prefers her zoomies :)
Sometimes when my Cissy starts popcorning she can't stop! It is a bit like a seizure haha it looks quite uncomfortable sometimes XD Bella popcorns here and there but she prefers her zoomies :)

Yes! Ivy, her sister does zoomies in a morning, round and round the cage. Pixie is a popcorner :D brilliant! Thank you
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