Know When To Back Away

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2009
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My Marge recantaly had a prolaps and the vet had to perform a histerectamy, and the danger mating causing futher damage was to great
so the 2 lads have been without a sow for a wile now!

anyway l decided to try them with another sow,
there was no fighting or rumble strutting? , in fact it the were both pritty lade back, so much so that it disturbed me a bit ?

the 2 old lads were behaving out of characterr ? so much so that to risc leaving them with the sow , would have been unwise

they are very old and fragile and if troble had broken out:box::box: , neather would have fared to well ,:soz: so as they are happy in each others company
l have decided to leave them as a solo pair .
My Marge recantaly had a prolaps and the vet had to perform a histerectamy, and the danger mating causing futher damage was to great
so the 2 lads have been without a sow for a wile now!

anyway l decided to try them with another sow,
there was no fighting or rumble strutting? , in fact it the were both pritty lade back, so much so that it disturbed me a bit ?

the 2 old lads were behaving out of characterr ? so much so that to risc leaving them with the sow , would have been unwise

they are very old and fragile and if troble had broken out:box::box: , neather would have fared to well ,:soz: so as they are happy in each others company
l have decided to leave them as a solo pair .

I think that is a wise decision. the older boars get, the less hormonal they become. As they have still got each other for company, they should be perfectly happy.
yup, they are happy old lads, ! one of them (Ginge) suprized me last night , l was giving them all cucumber
Ginge and his mate were on the floor , and Ginge walked over to me and when l gave him his peice he did
an amazinly high popcorn, :wub:
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