'Kissing' Guinea Pigs

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:)p Well, not us kissing them as such, it's more of a intriguing noise they make when they greet me. After the initial exited squeaking and popcorning from our Bob and Tony (and sometimes Vince if he's feeling brave) they stand on their hindlegs, leaning on their cage, and do what can only be described as a kissing noise. It's not a gentle teeth chattering 'who are you?' noise and they reciprocate if you do the noise back :))

Does anyone have any ideas? I've read quite a few books and websites on behavior and none of them mention this. Is it a welcome? Is it a trick by them to make you give them more food? (Like Hypno-toad from Futurama) Or am I just insane?
This is the point where I usually bend down and rub noses with them and start talking in that really silly voice kept only for guinea pigs! he he. xx I think they would always accept more food. When my husband comes in from work, he goes round all the cages and gives each piggy half a green bean. It has become a ritual and they do the funny noise, climbing up the bars thing for him too. x
With Bob I can rub noses together. Tony looks at you like your filthy and Vince runs off and hides. It's just such a weird little noise. They do it to each other sometimes too :)) s
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