New Born Pup
Hello ,
I have just joined this wonderful site. I have spent hours trying to find out information for kidney slurry
One of our girls was scanned yesterday and this was diagnosed.
Our vet has prescribed Metacam and told us to totally cut out hay and pellets and feed a wet diet only for the next 6 weeks. I understand about the teaspoon of pellets on a normal basis. However I am confused as to whether totally removing hay is a good thing. He said replace with grass and wet foods. I’ve checked all your information for low calcium foods and am grateful to see this information as my vet just said leafy greens etc… so can we in the opinion of all you experts
… still allow hay, I will feed more grass as we have plenty but am introducing it slowly with hay at present until I learn otherwise as I can’t believe a sudden change is good or stopping hay totally is good?. Looking at spring greens cucumber bell pepper as main foods. Can you advise me with anything else ? Changing to Timothy hay after reading advice if you think that would be ok, and filtered water.!Also ,can a drop of unsweeetened cranberry juice help.?Thank you in advance . I’m a Guinea pig Gran of 4. My daughter has autism and these beautiful creatures help her so much. I want to do the best for her and our 4 year old pickle ( who has the sludge)
Kind regards
I have just joined this wonderful site. I have spent hours trying to find out information for kidney slurry
One of our girls was scanned yesterday and this was diagnosed.
Our vet has prescribed Metacam and told us to totally cut out hay and pellets and feed a wet diet only for the next 6 weeks. I understand about the teaspoon of pellets on a normal basis. However I am confused as to whether totally removing hay is a good thing. He said replace with grass and wet foods. I’ve checked all your information for low calcium foods and am grateful to see this information as my vet just said leafy greens etc… so can we in the opinion of all you experts

Kind regards