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Kidney failure.. is it time?


New Born Pup
Jan 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Just looking for a bit of reassurance and support. My 5 year old boar Waffle has been dealing with Kidney failure for the last few months, although our vet and I suspect that he was starting to show signs of it just over a year ago.

Waffle went a bit downhill over the weekend and his weight has dropped by around 100g over the course of a week, which is obviously pretty significant. His peak healthy weight was always around 1300g but now he’s down to about 950g. He’s still eating mostly for himself, he’ll wolf down any fresh veg or grass and loves his critical care, but he’s not eating a lot of hay and he’s started to dribble a bit when he eats. He’s not drinking a lot either. It’s clear that he’s fighting so hard but I can tell that he’s tired… I was pretty sure that I was going to have to have him pts yesterday, but he perked up so I decided to leave it for the time being. Now today he’s not so great, and I have made an appointment for 5pm this afternoon…

I suppose I’m just looking for some reassurance that I’m doing the right thing ☹️ I have had to make this decision many times before but for some reason this time I’m really struggling… I think it’s the fact that he’s still showing an interest in food even though he’s not eating as much as he should…

Hoping someone sees this in time and can share some kind words.. thank you 🩷

I hope the above guide I have linked will help you, it has helped me in the past.

Sending you hugs at what I know is a difficult time.

I hope the above guide I have linked will help you, it has helped me in the past.

Sending you hugs at what I know is a difficult time.
Thank you 🩷
So sorry to read this.
The decision to pts is the hardest one any of us make for our piggies.
It’s a decision made out of love but still hurts our hearts.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Hi everyone,

Just looking for a bit of reassurance and support. My 5 year old boar Waffle has been dealing with Kidney failure for the last few months, although our vet and I suspect that he was starting to show signs of it just over a year ago.

Waffle went a bit downhill over the weekend and his weight has dropped by around 100g over the course of a week, which is obviously pretty significant. His peak healthy weight was always around 1300g but now he’s down to about 950g. He’s still eating mostly for himself, he’ll wolf down any fresh veg or grass and loves his critical care, but he’s not eating a lot of hay and he’s started to dribble a bit when he eats. He’s not drinking a lot either. It’s clear that he’s fighting so hard but I can tell that he’s tired… I was pretty sure that I was going to have to have him pts yesterday, but he perked up so I decided to leave it for the time being. Now today he’s not so great, and I have made an appointment for 5pm this afternoon…

I suppose I’m just looking for some reassurance that I’m doing the right thing ☹️ I have had to make this decision many times before but for some reason this time I’m really struggling… I think it’s the fact that he’s still showing an interest in food even though he’s not eating as much as he should…

Hoping someone sees this in time and can share some kind words.. thank you 🩷

The most stressful time is when you are coming very close to the line but are not quite there yet. You will know when the day has come but you will also question yourself all time until you get there - it comes with being such a loving and responsible owner who wants to get it absolutely right. Your piggy and your heart will tell you. they will also feel your love and care all the way until then. Never underestimate that.

You may find the guide I have written helpful. It has been by far the most difficult guide to write (too many memories of my own) but I have tried my best to not gloss over all the sticky little points and give some very practical guidelines so you can make the decision hopefully with a little clearer mind.

There is unfortunately nothing we can do about the heartbreak - each bond is unique and we have to grieve as much as we love and adapt to living with the gap in your our lives. But how empty would our lives be without the love that comes with pets!

My thoughts are with you.
Thinking of you as you navigate this difficult time. It never gets much easier having to make the decision.
Thank you everyone for your kind words 🩷 I decided to cancel the appointment so Waffle is still with me for now. His love of food and the sparkle in his eyes is telling me it’s not quite time. It is very clear our time together is limited though, so I’m just trying to make the most of every moment. It truly is one of the most difficult times.
Thank you everyone for your kind words 🩷 I decided to cancel the appointment so Waffle is still with me for now. His love of food and the sparkle in his eyes is telling me it’s not quite time. It is very clear our time together is limited though, so I’m just trying to make the most of every moment. It truly is one of the most difficult times.

It is. Personally, it really helps me to turn the life clock to zero and see every new day a very frail piggy is still coming out for food as a special gift rather than focussing on the end. Just try to live in the moment, as much as possible.

You will however find that you are doing a lot of grieving underneath, which you won't have to go through after the loss so it is not all bad. You will still have the pain of the actual loss (that will never get any less) but all the other 'homework' will be largely done unless you are in denial. With a terminal piggy, the loss is often rather the endpoint of the grieving process and not the start of it. You do not grieve any less, just with very different dynamics. At the moment, you are torn between all kind of extremes so that is hard to bear.

Try to focus on the shared moments with Waffle and make them the calm eye of your storm. These moments are timeless since love transcends time, and so does shared joy. These special moments with their love and their own joy in their truest essence will stay with you forever. They are what you can warm the cold hands of your soul on during dark times in the future and which are the seeds from which you can pull strength from within yourself whenever you need it. Knowing that you have found the eye of the storm once, it will enable you to find it again and to find the strength and confidence to withstand and battle future high winds.