Keeps Moving His Litter Box

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
Queso has some fleece over his litter box because I've read that the area should be darker for him to be attracted to it and for him to do his business. Well, he loves the location, but hates the box. We keep finding he moves it out of the way to sit under the shade.

We recently pinned the box to the cage in hopes to keep it from moving. Are we being mean by doing so? We're just trying to litter box train him.

He's VERY lazy (and overweight). We had a divider and ramp in the cage, but he got lazy running on it so he'd just stay on one side of the cage all day. Now I think he's getting lazy with the box because he has to jump into it. But, I'd like him to keep jumping because it's good for him to be active. We don't have much floor space for floor time and we can't afford a floor pen for him to be able to roam.

What do y'all think? Anyone have this issue before?

Here is his setup:



I caught him doing this when he realized he couldn't move his tray anymore:

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I know :( I feel bad for crushing his creativity, but it would be easier to clean if he was litter trained. What a silly piggie!
He doesn't look overweight to me .

Litter training Guinea Pigs ..........Mission Impossible :lol!:
You can either fix the tray or let Queso redecorate to his liking and then arrange the bedding accordingly. I am very sorry, but you can't litter train guinea pigs. Like with humans, you get a few extremely fussy ones, and then you get the messy ones...

He doesn't look overweight to me at all, just like he still has got a fair bit of growing to do. This link shows you how you can tell whether a guinea pig is a good weight for its size or not seeing how wide the normal weight range is at any time in a piggy's life. The Importance Of Weighing - Ideal Weight / Overweight / Underweight
Doesn't look overweight to me. Boars love rearranging cages - it's one of their things they just love doing.
Queso is a rather large piggie, the vet said he was a tad chubby. I think he came in at 1.5 kilograms and he is 2 1/2 or 3 years old. People comment on how chubby he is when they see him in person. He was kept in a very small container for a year and didn't get much attention, only lived on hay and pellets with the occasional veggies.
My lot move the litter trays all the time.I have extra towel and fleece there so I can change it quickly and easily.
My boys always rearrange things I gave up on putting things how I want a long time ago. The only time I move things Is if they push their food bowl or hay bowl (I've tried hay bags and hay feeders they refuse to use the feeders and just poo in the hay bag and then refuse to eat from it) under the water bottles because we all know "leak proof" is a myth and I don't want their food or hay getting wet over time if I leave the bowl there
We have never tried to litter train, but my pigs are constantly reorganizing the cage. They move the pigloos and food bowls around (I actually use two bowls all the time, as Sundae tends to pull the bowl into her favorite pigloo and then just take it with her. She pulls the bowl in with her teeth while backing up and then walks around bumping the pigloo forward with her nose like she's a turtle!
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