Keeping Single Boars, Advice Needed Please.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Nr Bourne, Linconshire, uk
Hi, I now have two single boars as sadly their bonding didn't work out. Oreo was attacked my Alex yesterday afternoon which I witnessed so I have oreo in his hutch and Alex in the indoor cage (120cm) it looks too small for him :( but I think that's because I'm used to seeing him in the hutch.
How can I keep Alex happy now he's on his own I'm not worried about oreo as he's a happy chap anyway and loves he's daily cuddles with mum (the other three have cuddles too but they don't like it as much as oreo does).
Any helpful tips and advice you can offer me would be a huge help many thanks.
Is there anyway he can have side by side interaction through bars with your other pair?
It is good to make them see each other. If you want to re-introduce them, you may need to wait a few months. If nothing works, you may just want to get Oreo a friend.
Side by side living is best in the short term until you decide what you want to do. That way he can speak to the others without anyone taking lumps out of one another!

It might be that in time they settle down and you can try again or it may be that actually Alex (and Oreo) needs a friend of his own and I can highly recommend boar dating at a rescue to help him find that ideal pig. It's not always the first one you try but there's usually a happy ending out there somewhere :)
some people find that plexie glass sort of works. they can see each other and hear each other but cant smell each other so much. Some people also find that they are happy enough in a run together for an hour or so but just dontwant to live together perminantly. these may work short term.
Oh dear. Poor Alex and Oreo. even with the boar dating at the rescue in the first place too. You couldn't have done more really to try and find Oreo a match. I'll leave advice on what to do now to others with that experience. I know you want to keep Alex and I would too - can the rescue he came from offer you any advice?
Oh no.....I did not realise this was a boar date that has not worked out. What a shame after you tried so hard x
*hugs hun* Hopefully they will be ok. I agree with what has been said above about having them next to eachother would certainly help :)
Thank you Ruth @Flutterby , hugs to you too hun. Thank you too @Goth Mummy i was trying to do two rights by finding oreo a rescue friend but it turned into a wrong :( I'm going to pop Alex in the garage with the boys over night (in his cage) to see if he looks happier tomorrow.
Oh no! How did it happen? Was it a full fight with blood included? They have been living well for quite sometime :( So strange!

You can try introducing them again after a few weeks but if you do so remember to do it in a neutral territory. Your hutches are 5ft long right? You can keep Alex and Oreo on the same one but on different levels, if your worried about space. And if you rather try Oreo with another friend and bring Alex back there is that option.

Hugs, the bonding did go really well, so strange this has happened :(
Never mind my initial question, just read your other post and yes, it does seem like Alex has been bullying Oreo. What a naughty boy!

An I'm so sorry it didnt work out. As the person who did the bonding I feel partly guilty although all the signs were great and it looked like Alex dotted on Oreo.

Happy to support you with whatever you decide to do.
Oh no! How did it happen? Was it a full fight with blood included? They have been living well for quite sometime :( So strange!

You can try introducing them again after a few weeks but if you do so remember to do it in a neutral territory. Your hutches are 5ft long right? You can keep Alex and Oreo on the same one but on different levels, if your worried about space. And if you rather try Oreo with another friend and bring Alex back there is that option.

Hugs, the bonding did go really well, so strange this has happened :(

Hiya suzy, this is all just natural and we knew this could happen it's ok hun honest, Alex is very loved and we've all said no to him being re homed, I will send him to be neutered if I can not get this to work :) thank you for offering to have him back though, I always planned on keeping the piggy we got from you whatever happened as I know I can offer him a fab forever home :) ive added a photo of their new set up, what do you think?. Yep I have a 5ft hutch I have c&c grids on order to block of the bottom of the stairs so they can still meet through the grids in a hallway area at the bottom of the ramp. I'm going to see if my new set up works over the next week or two then I can look at that as an option.

Just incase anyone is wondering: the indoor cage will be brought into the daylight during the day, it's sitting on a foam ground sheet so it's not on the cold floor and I have lots if ideas on keeping him warm too :)

I think it was lucky I was there when It happened, Alex just went for him it only lasted seconds as I jump straight into the run, Alex had oreo pinned down in a corner and looked like he was biting him oreo lost some of his hair but I checked him over thoughly and hes not got anything major? Oreo is having regular vet appointments at the mo so I will ask his vet to check him over properly on his next visit, it's a pain that all four boys are in a close area together I honestly don't think that's helping matters (but I have no way arounpd it sadly apart from putting them back outside). My other two are not bothered by Alex apart from every now and then they join in when Alex rumbles.
Never mind my initial question, just read your other post and yes, it does seem like Alex has been bullying Oreo. What a naughty boy!

An I'm so sorry it didnt work out. As the person who did the bonding I feel partly guilty although all the signs were great and it looked like Alex dotted on Oreo.

Happy to support you with whatever you decide to do.
Don't feel guilty at all if you do you will upset me hun as you are all lovely due to the traveling time, traffic, work and childcare we were sadly not able to visit you for long we all thought they were a great match, I'm sure they still are but oreo is hormonal and that carnt be helping, I'm going to keep working at this :) xx
Oh you sound so worried! Please dont be. You did evetything right, sometimes these things just happen. X
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Sorry about the poops (it's clean now) and the lack of fun in his cage I'm working on that.
@Flutterby @MrsSuzy @Jen H
Aw it all looks fine! He's got his tube to play with, and a hidey and his food, and he looks interested in the cages too. Who was he looking at? It's only been a few days - he's getting LOADS of attention from you so he'll be fine. It is upsetting for you though, when it seemed they were friends at first. But the most important thing is that they're safe from harm, which they are now, thanks to you xx
Aww big thank you Jen (Ohh i love this forum everyone is so kind and supportive) it's oreo he's looking at I'm comfused by their new behaviour as they are both laying near each other when I went into the garage (they haven't done that for weeks when they were in together) plus they were Wheeking nicely to each other and it looked like they were rubbing noses too....oh my word this bonding boars is hard work ha ha x
Aww big thank you Jen (Ohh i love this forum everyone is so kind and supportive) it's oreo he's looking at I'm comfused by their new behaviour as they are both laying near each other when I went into the garage (they haven't done that for weeks when they were in together) plus they were Wheeking nicely to each other and it looked like they were rubbing noses too....oh my word this bonding boars is hard work ha ha x
That IS confusing! Well, they're enjoying being near each other then, which is good x
Aw it all looks fine! He's got his tube to play with, and a hidey and his food, and he looks interested in the cages too. Who was he looking at? It's only been a few days - he's getting LOADS of attention from you so he'll be fine. It is upsetting for you though, when it seemed they were friends at first. But the most important thing is that they're safe from harm, which they are now, thanks to you xx
Jack and Pumpkin liked to lie next to each other either side of bars but went for each other teeth and fur flying if put together :(
Jack and Pumpkin liked to lie next to each other either side of bars but went for each other teeth and fur flying if put together :(
I'm not alone :yahoo:, my word I felt I was lol
How long did they carry on living like that for? Did you find them new friends or did they carry on happly this way.
Huge thank you, I may be able to carry on with them living side by side then fewww.
Wow that's amazing and a whole room just for piggies.....that's my dream. Ive seen the sow pen on here before as if I'm right they went to the pet show in Birmingham and saw a natural piggy display and then did their own at home. Thank you for sharing this it's been very helpful I'm going to defantly look into having my two boys living safely side by side like the two in the video because they are both laying near each now with just the bars between them I think they do get on but it's not safe for them to be fully together. They clear like each other else they would not of spent almost 12 hours laying beside each other surly.
Naughty boys. :nod: Hope you find a solution. It sounds like they want to cause trouble the naughty piggies.
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