Keeping piggies outside - south facing garden/annoying dog etc


New Born Pup
May 25, 2015
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Hi so our piggies currently live inside but they need to go outside for the summer months as that was the ‘rule’ that my partner set when we got them.

We have bought the hutch and the scratch and Newton covers but we have no shade at all in our garden, so I’m at a loss what to do. The bottom of the garden (very small garden) gets shaded first so won’t get the late afternoon stronger sun, but it will be in the sunshine until about lunchtime.

I’m now considering getting a shed. As I feel that they would be cooler and I can open the door and make it airier. But sheds are just so expensive. I’m also worried that if just in the hutch, the dog will his leg up against it whilst theyre in it.

So I suppose I’m just looking for people who also have south facing and how you create shade etc? We don’t have trees, a pagoda or anything.

Thank you
You (or perhaps more your partner) won’t like this I’m afraid

My garden is southwest facing and every summer my boys have to move into the house as it’s simply too hot outside - sheds, hutches even lawn runs can sadly become death traps. By 8-9am mid summer my shed is usually around 20 degrees so they have to come out.

They have a hutch in the shed and the shed becomes unbearably hot (definitely never cooler than outside temperatures) - reaching 40 degrees and often still not cooling at night in mid summer. My shed has a stable door with internal mesh doors so I can open the solid door and they are still protected by mesh inside.
Even this time of year it gets hot quickly (15 degrees here right now, my shed is 25, the boys are in their lawn run). In winter my shed runs about 5-10 degrees warmer but beyond that in summer

Even in the shade with a warm breeze, hutches and lawn runs can reach high temperatures.

So advice from someone with a hutch, shed and south(ish) facing garden, is keep them indoors.

Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike
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Thank you. I thought that it would not be a goer. To be honest I get anxious about the prospect of them living outside. I actually love having them inside and as a result they are the most friendliest piggies we’ve ever had. Just need to get rid of the hutch and covers 😬 and break it to my partner. I have been putting them out in a run before it gets super hot and they are loving it.
I like it when mine come indoors in the summer but I will admit to being a little happier when they go back out to their shed 🫣, they are also happier as their space is larger outside.
It’s just harder work keeping them outside, possible, but harder work.
If you can provide electricity in the shed so you can keep it air conditioned (a fan can just blow around hot air), it’s in shade etc, then it can be done, but without those things then it’s going to be a struggle.
I can’t get electric to my shed but luckily hubby is understanding and tolerates them coming in when necessary. I also have three rabbits so on the very hottest days we have the two piggies in the living room and three rabbits in the dining room!
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