Keeping Guinea Pig Outside


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 10, 2017
Reaction score
Hi I can no longer keep my guinea pigs inside, and now need to move them outside. I'm sure they will be fine in the summer, because the temps are around 60-80, but I'm worried about the winter. We get a lot of snow here, and I was wondering if they would be OK if I put them in a place that gets little snow with a roof, and a small heater. Will they be OK. I appreciate any help.
I think they would be ok, maybe provide a little bit more detail about where they would be kept. Is it a shed? How big? One down side to them being outside is you miss that interaction you have with them, they always seem more nervous as well. I definitely would not keep them out in the elements without protection from harsh weather.
I would keep them in a shed or something, with a fan in the summer and a heater in the winter.
I have an insulating cover for my hutch and a weatherproof one too. I also use fleece cosies in colder weather and snugglesafes plus tons of hay for them to burrow in to keep warm. Mine will stay out all year but this winter there were some particularly bad spells and Leicester (which usually stays fairly mild) was very cold so in December they got moved into the garage and had to stay there then til it was nice enough to move them out again.
Ok thanks for the help guys. Yes they will have plenty of protection from the weather. I will also have a place to move them if it gets really bad, but they can only stay here for so long. Thanks for all the help.