Keeping guinea pig cool - without air-con


Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 16, 2021
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TNQ, Australia
I just moved house to the tropics, and the new place doesn't have air conditioning. Here, it's coming into summer and, being in the tropics, it's getting really hot real quick. The best I have to keep my guinea pig cool is a soft ice pack which I place in his bed, and a small fan. What else can I do as the weather heats up to keep him at a comfortable temperature?

I understand that a humid climate can emphasize the heat, would a dehumidifier make things more comfortable for him?
@Hannah_xx lives in Australia so she may be able to advise better on how she keeps her piggies cool.

We have a guide that gives some helpful advice about measures you can take to help your piggies in hot or cold weather Hot And Cold Weather Care Guide
Thanks for the tag Vicki.

Fortunately for me and my piggies we are in a much cooler state, Victoria. so don’t experience any tropical weather as such but definitely extreme heat.
I’m lucky that my piggies have an aircon system in their room, it’s a very outdated and old system and we have a plug in timer on it to Flick on while we are at work.
Personally @Zorro1 I would definitely be installing an aircon unit if at all possible?
Your piggies will really struggle with the tropical temperatures of Queensland..and we’re in for a hot summer.
I just moved house to the tropics, and the new place doesn't have air conditioning. Here, it's coming into summer and, being in the tropics, it's getting really hot real quick. The best I have to keep my guinea pig cool is a soft ice pack which I place in his bed, and a small fan. What else can I do as the weather heats up to keep him at a comfortable temperature?

I understand that a humid climate can emphasize the heat, would a dehumidifier make things more comfortable for him?


Our hot weather care guide contains lots of practical tips not just for the cage but also for rooms; to my knowledge it is the biggest collection of tips. Keeping the sun off any window glass and keeping the glass cool is the biggest help in keeping a room cooler. The combination of lots of little things will have the biggest effect.

If you are living in the tropics, air con should however be a consideration as weather extremes are going up. Australia is much more susceptible to the effects of El Nino/La Nina. Your guinea pigs will to a degree gradually adjust to generally hotter temperatures but especially big jumps and peaks can be killers, even here in the UK - especially for any older, ill or frailer piggies. Guinea pigs are built for living in thick undergrowth away from the biggest temperatures extremes and their temperature regulation is not as efficient.
If you see them flat on their bellies and plastered to any source of cool, then they are feeling overheated. Please also ensure that they have access to cool, drinkable water at all times or larger pieces of cucumber that do not heat up as quickly at all times.
Our guide also contains information on heat strokes.

Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike