Keeping gp cages on floor

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I have posted a messge already saying that I was thinking of putting my gp cage in the kitchen, however, after much discussion with my hubby he doesn't agree they should be in there >:(( takes up a lot of room) I am getting gp's in the autumn

Anyway I have found an alternative. We have a relatively small house and the only place it will fit without being in the way is on the floor in our hallway.....we have taken down our "under the stairs" cupboard doors and have opened out the space....they arn't completely exposed as they have the surrounding structure around them. It allows enough light in.....however I am worried about the fact that they are on the floor and it is the main walk through to the kitchen....does anyone else have their cages on the floor or in the hallway? I would very much appreciate some advice :)
I don't see why it would be a problem, at first they may be a bit scared but once they get used to people walking by they should be fine. If you're worried maybe you could get a little table to put it on?
It shouldn't be a problem just think about the devoted people who leave cages open on the floor to let their pigs run. I doubt anyone who was unexpierenced with them would really do that.

As for in the Kitchen I agree it isn't the best place as it isn't hygenic so it is logical not to put it there but not for the answer your husband was giving. O0
gp-d said:
It shouldn't be a problem just think about the devoted people who leave cages open on the floor to let their pigs run. I doubt anyone who was unexpierenced with them would really do that.

As for in the Kitchen I agree it isn't the best place as it isn't hygenic so it is logical not to put it there but not for the answer your husband was giving. O0
I don't understand why you don't think the kitchen is hygenic? Just curious really :) If they are cleaned out regularly and never smell then surely it's fine?
Germs spread rapidly. I just don't think it is a good place for where you would be preparing food and food can contain germs as well. Say raw meat if not cleaned up properly.

That is just my personal opinion on it though.
Do they have access to natural light? and would they be raised up a bit to prevent draughts, GPs can get respiratory infections if constantly kept in a draughty area - we have a C&C for two of our boys and we've had to raise the plastic siides up to avoid draughts, but personally I would rather construct a platform... would your GPs be in a cage, if so would you be able to buy a cheapie coffee table (£12 in Wilkinsons! O0 ) to stand them on?
Getting a platform sounds a great idea....however, because it is under the stairs I am limited to how high it can go :( As for draughts it should be okay because the area around the cage is sheltered it is only the front of the cage which is really exposed.There is sufficient light as I took the doors off the sits nicely in our hallway and like a few of you have said they hopefully will get used to it O0
I'm sure they would get used to it :) we wanted to put our boys in our main living space so they could get used to daily comings and goings, noises, smells, and also we consider them to be part of the family! Personally I think for small numbers it's nicer to keep them indoors as well, but thats just my opinion ;)
Thank you :) It's great to have conformation that it's a good thing to do...I agree with them being indoors they will become part of our little family ;D
I think I already posted this on your other thread - we have ours on the floor in the living room and they are fine with being at floor level. We walk past them all the time. :)
Two of mine are on floor level, away from draughts and they are fine. I open the cage door and they can come and go and they love it O0
My piggies cage is on the floor and they're fine with it.

Tip - When spending time with them, lower yourself to their level, and they'll be much more friendly. We dont look like giants that way.
I live in a studio apartment so I guess mine are exposed to the same kind of 'traffic' as yours will be. Mine are opposite my bedroom 'nook' and parallel to the sitting area. They are at floor level, having previously been about a foot of the ground in a smaller C&C cage. When I moved them back to floor level I did notice that they became more scittery, I hope to get hold of more grids this week in order to raise it again. I would put the cage on a low table or a few boxes if I was you. If you wish to give the floor time ramps are simple to make or cheap to buy. Have fun!
I live in a studio flat too and my 3 cages are all on the floor so like Lavenderjade I can just open the doors of their cages and they can jump out, which is less stressful for them than chasing them round the cage to catch them! (I have little platforms to hold their doors up and I put a towel over the door so they do't hurt their feet.) They like it like this and it is easier to clean out. Keeping them up higher will create more mess falling out and around the cage.
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