Keeping coriander fresh


Forum Donator 2024/25
Sep 14, 2020
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London, UK
Can anyone advise on the best way to store coriander? My two piggies love it and I give them a couple of sprigs every day, but I waste such a lot. If I leave it in the plastic bag in the fridge it goes black and slimy, and if i take it out and put it in a glass of water it goes yellow almost straight away. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
We grow our own in summer. In winter Intake it out of that small bag and place it in a bigger one to enable air around it. I keep it in a salad draw with a clothes peg to seal it seems to work quite well. I’ve found Morrison big bunch the best, Tesco’s/Lidl are always slimy
I usually grow my own or buy a pot of ready grown, even the Aldi cheapy lasts a lot longer than the ready cut. I find getting the seed to germinate difficult this time of year. I've tried soaking it in warm water but even that didn't work.
I usually grow my own or buy a pot of ready grown, even the Aldi cheapy lasts a lot longer than the ready cut. I find getting the seed to germinate difficult this time of year. I've tried soaking it in warm water but even that didn't work.

They need to be warm. Over a radiator works best - mine germinated in 7 days indoors
I use similar containers in the threads that Veggie galore has linked,trim the ends of the coriander and put water in the base of the container,place in fridge.It usually lasts for a week,thats if the piggies have not eaten it all before then!
Thanks everybody :)
I don't think growing my own is a possibility for me - I'm the kiss of death to anything growing. I think I've got whatever the opposite of green fingers is :(
But having said that, I might have a go and see what happens.
Apparently black thumbs are the opposite of green fingers.
I have them too.

The storage advice has been helpful. Thanks
I saw online the recommendation to put it in a mug of water, cover with a (clear) plastic bag and store in the fridge. That seems to work for me, keeping a bunch for over a week. Changing the water regularly helps too.

I tried growing coriander in a tray on my kitchen windowsill once, but it failed dismally. I don't know if it was too hot there... May give it another go some time soon as I still have seeds.
We buy HUGE bunches of coriander from a local international shop and my husband has a way of storing it that makes it last weeks:

He says he ensures that the coriander is dry, places it between two layers of kitchen roll, then places those bundles in a ziplock bag. He then pushes the air out of the bag, making sure not to press too hard otherwise the leaves release more moisture. He says that the trick is making sure there's not too much in any one place otherwise it'll rot in the middle, so relatively thin layers between the roll.

The record for storing herbs with this method is three weeks for one bunch of coriander we forgot in the back of the fridge. That bunch was happily accepted by the guinea pigs, not sure how it would have tasted but it looked good. We're about to go away for a week but bought more today, fully confident that it'll still be perfect when we get back. Hopefully this might be useful to someone!
Thanks everybody :)
I don't think growing my own is a possibility for me - I'm the kiss of death to anything growing. I think I've got whatever the opposite of green fingers is :(
But having said that, I might have a go and see what happens.

I saw online the recommendation to put it in a mug of water, cover with a (clear) plastic bag and store in the fridge. That seems to work for me, keeping a bunch for over a week. Changing the water regularly helps too.

I tried growing coriander in a tray on my kitchen windowsill once, but it failed dismally. I don't know if it was too hot there... May give it another go some time soon as I still have seeds.

I may try one of these 🤔
