Keeping Boys And Girls - Not Together!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 1, 2014
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I'm about to foster my first pair of boars and I'm wondering what precautions I need to take with my own piggies. I have a group of 5, a neutered boar and 4 girls.

I know if the foster boys smell my girls they could fight, so I need advice about what I need to do. I've heard I should was my hands in between handling them. How close can there cages be? In the same room, but opposite sides? My fosters usually share the run with mine, either by splitting it or one group after the other. But presumably this won't work?

Thanks in advance!
Please quarantine the boys if they haven't done so yet at the rescue.

Keep them out of line of sight, ideally across the room. always feed, clean, handle and let the boys roam first so they come as little in contact with sow smells as possible. Keep your piggies away from their cage, and if run time is on a fleece, use different fleeces for the boys and girls. Wash you hands and in nnecessary change cloths in between.
Until recently I had boys and girls, I kept my girls in the family room and the boys lived in the utility room. I always let the boys have "floor time" in the living room and hallway before the girls, and changed fleeces in between. When we had building work done and I had to have everyone in the same room it was a bit of a nightmare and the boys did lots of bar chewing and rumbling, I had to block the line of sight by covering the girl's cage with fleece. It does make things more complicated, but I adore my naughty boys and also my magical girls so it was worth the extra hassle and work for me.
My husband is happier now that we have all boys as he would like to have all the piggies and piggy things in one room together ;) Otherwise he feels like they take over.
Thanks both, we'll have a go with these boys and see how it goes! I was thinking it will probably be easier in summer when they will be outside during the day (hopefully!). So if it's difficult we can always just have boys in the summer.
Your boys might be more chilled out and less hormonal than mine ;)
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