Keep fit or dance DVD's.

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Mar 1, 2006
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Now that I am on the last hurdle to shifting my excess pounds, I need to start thinking about doing some excercise.

I would so love to join a gym but time, animals and finances do not allow for it, my bikes got a flat tyre and besides the drivers are maniacs where I live and last time I went on it it frightened the life out of me! literally! :o.

So looks like its a bit of bopping or bouncing about when hubbys gone to bed in front of the TV, with curtains drawn etc so the neighbours cant see me. ;D ;D ;D

Can anyone recommend a good DVD for a novice! nothing too strenuous PLEASE !


Deb x
Go running - that's free! I love it.

Or - I used to use vids in the past. it depends whether you want a cardiac workout/ weights/ circuit training etc.
I used to use Elle McPherson's vid - it was very good combining aerobics with weights and muscle toning.
Lat summer me and my mum decided it was time to loose some weight and we walked every where, went swimming twice a week for an hour and just tried to cut down on the "nice stuff" I wanted to lose about a stone, i ended loosing 3 stone in 6 months...mind you by the time santas been and gone, ill have put it all back on! LOL :D
On another forum I was recommended that I use a dance matt which sounds fab to me to exercsie :)
Yes dance mats are great fun. I would recommend that. Or just put on a CD and boogie on down. ;D
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