Kaytee Small Animal bedding? Okay for guineas?

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Click to see the bedding.

I had read the reviews and it seems that if you put in all of this bedding it may spazz your pet out. :(

My question is, to help cut odor though, would it be okay to sprinkle a bit over the pine I'm using?

Or, is there some other product that may keep the odor down? (I have four guineas in one cage and one boar in a different cage).

The pine does well for a few days but then it starts smelling a tad (although there aren't a whole lot of terds and the bedding is never really constantly 'wet'.

Oh, by the way, I'm in the US so this product would have to be available here.

Thanks guys. :smitten:
It's obviously got some sort of artificial scent in it which can't be good for the pigs. If you want to cut down on smells overall I would ditch the pine (it's not ideal for them anyway) and switch to Carefresh (maybe with hay on top) which is readily available in the US.
We have used carefresh before, but with six pigs in the house and four different cages (three of them C&C) it's just not an option to use carefresh because of the high cost. I saw that there was an un-scented version of the kaytee bedding though. Would that be okay?
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