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Kavee C&c lid collapse! Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 30, 2024
Reaction score
So as I was putting one of the piggies away, the lid to the C&c fell and collapsed in on itself! Whilst my four piggies! (Two of which are only a few days old!) were in there
I didn’t see if any bits hit any of them but can’t be sure as it all hapoened so quick and they scattered to hide
The bigger piggies have had a bit of lettuce and I’ve got all four in the run briefly to try and pull the cage forwards in the hole this will stop the lid falling forwards when open

I know I’m probably being paranoid but I’m so worried about shock, or if the pieces have hit any of them! The babies are still so tiny too! Help! Are the grids ligjt enough/are they likely to have dodged them? They are all walking around okay in the run but I feel awful
So as I was putting one of the piggies away, the lid to the C&c fell and collapsed in on itself! Whilst my four piggies! (Two of which are only a few days old!) were in there
I didn’t see if any bits hit any of them but can’t be sure as it all hapoened so quick and they scattered to hide
The bigger piggies have had a bit of lettuce and I’ve got all four in the run briefly to try and pull the cage forwards in the hole this will stop the lid falling forwards when open

I know I’m probably being paranoid but I’m so worried about shock, or if the pieces have hit any of them! The babies are still so tiny too! Help! Are the grids ligjt enough/are they likely to have dodged them? They are all walking around okay in the run but I feel awful


They are likely to have dodged the grids. Piggies are very agile and the grids themselves are not all that heavy.

They are likely to have dodged the grids. Piggies are very agile and the grids themselves are not all that heavy.
I just felt awful! The bigger girls are a bit braver but the poor babies were probably like oh my goodness!
I’ve cabled tied my c&c cage and lid and I arranged my cage away from the wall so it is slanted backwards when open
Piggies move very quick so I’m sure they’re all ok as Wiebke says
You could also think about putting something across the corners to act as a brace? That way if the lid were to fall again it would land on the braces but also it would provide the walls with some rigidity to prevent the lid from collapsing into the cage again 🙂
I also have a Kavee cage and have always feared this would happen in the night and my Chez would jump out. I find the Kavee cage cheap.