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just wondering

  • Thread starter Thread starter cindy and milly
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cindy and milly

M friends guinea pig's are really cute, but last week one of my friend guinea pigs died out of the blue like one minute it was fine and when they went to cheeck there guinea pig's choc was out in the cold and they thought she was asleep but they just wanted to cheeck if she was ok and she had pasted away. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Sorry about that poor thing 0:) :smitten:
Guinea pigs die for many reasons unfortunately they can't tell us when they feel unwell etc
it could be many reasons it could be age genetics or infections etc
keeping an eye and takng to vets when they look unwell and lots of cuddles to check they feel ok is all we can do
Thank you for your kind words. and I just found out that she was pregnet, so I think that had somthing to do with it.
But I would like to know what could of happend to her, like can they have problems that can make the die?
am sorry to hear of your friends guinea pig passing away :'( :'( :'( guinea pigs hide the fact that they are ill until it is too hard for them to do so. in the wild a sick guinea pig would be killed by the herd to protect the pack from predators. the only way you will find what the guinea pig died off is to have a post mortem done. it might have been heat, infection, bloat, a fit, any number of things O0 when a guinea pig is sick they can go down hill very fast, if you know what the symptoms were of your friends piggy perhaps you could tell us so we would have a better idea. as like people guinea pigs can die of anything. perhaps this link will help you if you can find anything similar to your friends piggy http://www.guinealynx.info/
but to say your friends piggy died and that you want to know why doesn't help us unless we know if there was any symptoms like off her food, discharge from nose, or private area, dribbling when eating, weight lost etc. again i am really sorry your friend lost her piggy :'( :'( :'( RIP sweet angel run free and popcorn in paradise and now you are pain free. watch over your mummy and stay in her heart 0:) 0:) 0:)
we would love to help you but really need to know more. take care and you are a good friend O0. and welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: if you can tell us more we can then try to help you. O0
Sorry about your friend's pig. Unfortunately these things happen and sometimes we are not sure why :)
Guinea pigs often pretend they are not sick. To the unsuspecting eye, they may look fine, but with more careful inspections you may begin to notice signs of illness such as listening to them breathe and hearing clicks, sneezing, weepy nose or eyes, weight loss, etc. Some guinea pigs are born with heart problems. If the heart problem is never detected, this is something that can cause a sudden death. Or, a major contributor is foods, chemicals, beddings, etc. There are many foods or parts of foods that guinea pigs can't have. Guinea pigs shouldn't be around household cleaners and chemicals and certain beddings can be bad, especially if your guinea pig decides to eat it. Anyways, guinea pigs aren't something you can just bring home, like hamsters. They require LOTS of knowledge on the owners part and care. Many people learn this the hard way with their first guinea pig.
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