Just wanted to share something...

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Mar 29, 2006
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Wanted to share something with you all...

Over the past few months my mum found a lump in her upper arm near her breast... She had it tested and it turned out to be cancer... :'( :'(

After talking to the doctors, they were pretty convinced that it had been left in there since the last time she had breast cancer, which was 10 years ago as the lump was quite large and its sitting on 3 lymph glands... They sent my mum for Bone, Body and Blood tests - for the past 3 weeks we have been waiting for the results as the docs were kinda thinking the cancer had spread into the lungs and bones :'( :'( I've been a wreck and today was the day we found out....

My mum has just come round now and I'm sooooooo sooooooo pleased to say that the cancer hasn't spread anywhere..... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I cant begin to tell you the emotions I'm feeling at the moment... I want to cry, I want to laugh out loud, I want to go outside and scream at the top of my voice how happy I am..... We know that mum still has a long road ahead with the surgery and the cancer treatment... but just knowing that it hasn't gone any further... well.... I'm just feeling soooo lucky I really am....

Also want to thank Kelly who has been keeping check of me in Pm's - you have no idea how much that has helped so thank you so much xxxxxx

Just wanted to share that with you all ;)

Trace x
Oh Trace, I'm so so happy and pleased that your mum is going to be ok. Our mums are so precious. Please give her my love. Look after her. :-* :)
Oh i am sooooo pleased for you, your mum and family what a relief! ;)

My mum had breast cancer three years ago and is still all clear. My dad has just finished radiotherapy for Non hodgkins lymphoma (cancer) this has been his third treatment. I absolutely understand what you have been going through!

HUGS to you all! ;) ;) ;)
I am so pleased for you both. I know it's been such a journey for you too, honey.

Am there for you always :)

Love and hugs to you both

SweetEdge said:
Also want to thank Kelly who has been keeping check of me in Pm's - you have no idea how much that has helped so thank you so much x

and I will keep on telling you, don't thank me. It's what friends do to be there and care :smitten: :smitten:
Oh jesus thank God. I'm really glad for your mum & you Trace. I hope that she keeps on top of her checks & stays well for many years to come.

So pleased to hear that good news, what a relief for you :)
Thanks guys x

Its a MASSIVE relief - she's in next Wednesday to have the lump out and then they'll decide what kind of treatment she needs - but knowing it hasn't spread..... well words can't describe how i'm feeling... :D :D
wow Trace you must feel on top of the world one of our friends has just had an op to remove her lump and she has gone through chemo and now radiothereapy her 5 year old son was a reason for her getting better and her optomisim which at times was hard to keep going for her family and friends but she along with her family are coming on next years cruise with us so she has to get better for that as well as her young son , to be honest it makes me humble to know my family are relativly healthy at the moment, good luck to your very brave and obvioulsy much loved mum hope all goes well, cherish your mum and dad msut be the though of us all at the moment , my dads a miserable old git but has a heart of gold which only shows its self now and again but i love him along with my mum ,
I'm so glad things are looking up for you.

I have decided this year to do the Race for Life as it seems to be happening more and more.

Hogs and best wishes to you all

Oh i wondered why you'd not been on.... gosh i feel awful now that i didn't realise, sorry :(

What brilliant news, what a huge relief for you <mega hugs> for you and mum :smitten: :smitten:
What a relief it hasn't spread, sending hugs to keep you strong for the road ahead :)
I'm so happy for you that the cancer hasnt spread and wish your Mum all the best for her treatment
thats great news, glad to hear your moms gonna fine and glad that everythings ok :smitten:
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