So I have a 5 x 2 C&C cage ( it was a 4 x 2 with a loft but we took the loft away and extended it earlier this year ). The C&C is fixed to a wooden base and sits on top of an old dining table - of which we cut the legs down on. The corex base is covered with a wipeable tablecloth fabric, I then add newspaper around the sides so they cant chew this or the corex.. lined with puppy pads and then my fleece liners go on top. I layer them so larger ones first then smaller ones on top for easy changing. They have 2 wooden bridge tunnels, 2 hay trays and 2 water bottles and a chewed cardboard box! Fleece blankets on the top ( gone for darker ones this time ) but they are open either end for air flow ... just thought I would share!