Just The Beginning

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Shirley ny
It's funny I never thought me of all people would be sitting In a room playing with a guinea pig and loving him ... Know after 4 long weeks of playing taking care of his home and the little bad boy incidents he's become part of my life and family... My moms always saying you better take care of him or I'll get rid of him lol ... I told her he's like my son you can't get rid of your son ... This is just the beginning of an amazing bond I have with baby . He's spolid as can be and he knows it but he always knows how much I love him and care for him .... He squeaks when ever I walk into the room and popcorns when ever we're relaxing together .. I never new I could bond so we'll with this amazing little creature but I have and I wouldent change anything for the world ... It feels so good to be loved back by something so small <3 image.webp image.webp
Thanks honestly I never though something like that but it's the truth .. Iv always wanted a ferret growing up but started looking around and researching and found guineapigs are so much cooler ... I only write what I feel lol
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