just stuff need input

Aug 22, 2018
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so i use a liner for my guinea pig and was cleaning out there cage today and i noticed that there was a lot of calcium in the bottom of the liner that or its just whit stuff any way i was wondering if thay need a diet Chang. this is just a ps it is only on the bottom of the cage not on the top of the fleece repeat not on the top sorry just felt like i need to clearing
Their pee can be white without necessarily being a problem. My boys vetbed has white patches underneath but it is where it is soaking through. If you see gritty deposits that won’t soak through, that is of concern.
Regarding a potential diet change, you will need to tell us what their diet is currently like before we can say whether any changes may be advisable - let us know what pellets they are on as well as their veg diet.
I know this sounds gross but if you feel gritty bits in their pee this is bladder sludge and is a sign of a diet too high in calcium, white pee is quite normal and not a concern.