Just some questions about bonding


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2021
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Hi everyone, if anyone was following any of my other posts over the last couple weeks you might remember, since the passing of my Kip and Bobby I’m hoping to bond Ollie and the newest addition Eggs. I read through the bonding guide and just had a few extra questions if that’s okay!

To specify Ollie is (estimating here) around 2 1/2 or a bit older. Eggs, no idea, but I’d say maybe 7-9 months? He seems very very young. On my post about getting Eggs people agreed he seemed very young so I’ll go with 7-9 months anyway. My experience with bonding is very limited! My first boy Rico and Kip were a breeze to bond, then I stupidly didn’t know 3 boars wouldn’t work so Kip and Ollie and Bobby ended up as neighbours.

I know this is far from ideal and I shouldn't have done this, but the night I got Kip put to sleep, I put Ollie and Eggs out in a neutral space intending to start bonding there and then. I realised quickly though I just didn’t have the mental capacity to do it properly then at that moment so I stopped it very quickly and moved them into the same cage with a barrier. For the time they did spend together, Ollie was humping him a lot and there was a few tussles and fights (no blood) and lots of rumble-strutting.

Ollie is very boisterous and dominant, he even chews my fingers when I clip his nails. He’s a bar biter while he rumblestruts and did it a lot to (I assume) intimidate Kip and Bobby. He’s absolutely fearless as far as guinea pigs go, he has the personality of one of those feral small dogs. We literally call him the demon. Eggs is very docile with humans but he was rumble-strutting and bickering with Ollie too and instigating, but he never humped Ollie.

The first night in the same cage behind bars, they were bickering and squealing for HOURS. They’ve calmed down a lot now, and Ollie’s spending time on the opposite side of the cage now too instead of spending all his time lying beside the barrier which I think is a good sign?

I was going to attempt bonding today, but I’m worried because I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning and I’ll be gone for a few hours and then on Wednesday I have bloodwork in a hospital an hour away so will be gone even longer then. I keep thinking of how Rico and Kip were the BEST friends in the whole world, and this never impacted their relationship at all for some reason they were always two peas in a pod, they did once have a VERY aggressive fight when they were already bonded that ended up with me getting Kip’s teeth into my knuckles. I’m worried that no matter how well bonding seems to go (if it does go well) that as soon as I leave the house a fight might break out? I’m petrified of either of them getting hurt when I’m not there.

Basically what I'm wondering is based on what I've said does bonding these two seem like it could even be successful? And I know pigs can fall out at any time (and seemingly stay best buddies like Rico and Kip did) but is there any warning signs I could possibly miss even when things seem to be going well?

I’d really love this bonding to be a success, I feel awful that Ollie lost both of his friends within 15 days and I’d love him to have a buddy in his own cage and not behind a barrier if it’s even remotely possible
Sorry that this is so long omg! Just realised it’s very long
All you can ever do is try and see what happens. Their behaviour between bars is not indicative of how things will go when you attempt a bonding.
You are absolutely right in that laying between the bars is a territory marking exercise but not doing it does not necessarily mean that it is a good sign for their prospects of bonding.
My two youngest boars had a fight, broke their bond and now they live separately. They do not have power lie ins, they do show dominance at the bars but not as much as they used to. However, if I put them together they absolutely will fight.

Make sure you’ve got the time to do the bonding and watch them, so probably best to wait until Thursday going by what you are saying for your plans for the week.
Unfortunately, there is no way to know unless you try. I have some as neighbors that are great, but fight when I tried to bond them. Keep a wrapped hand just in case for bonding! Best of luck to you at your appointments and bonding as well!
Thanks everyone, definitely gonna leave attempting it until Thursday by the looks of it when I can be home for a few days with them. I was hoping maybe some behind the bars behaviour would play a little bit into how they might be without a barrier but I didn’t really think of the fact Ollie behaved like that with Bobby and Kip with a barrier, but when there was no barrier they would’ve mauled eachother. Really hoping this will be a success 😭
Thanks everyone, definitely gonna leave attempting it until Thursday by the looks of it when I can be home for a few days with them. I was hoping maybe some behind the bars behaviour would play a little bit into how they might be without a barrier but I didn’t really think of the fact Ollie behaved like that with Bobby and Kip with a barrier, but when there was no barrier they would’ve mauled eachother. Really hoping this will be a success 😭
It's so frustrating! I wish you could talk to them. Lol. I would love my girls to understand that if they all got along they could have so much more space!
Thanks everyone, definitely gonna leave attempting it until Thursday by the looks of it when I can be home for a few days with them. I was hoping maybe some behind the bars behaviour would play a little bit into how they might be without a barrier but I didn’t really think of the fact Ollie behaved like that with Bobby and Kip with a barrier, but when there was no barrier they would’ve mauled eachother. Really hoping this will be a success 😭

They obviously get to know each other through the bars and if they won’t bond then living side by side obviously still provides interaction. This is why you can’t use through the barrier behaviour as any gauge though. People may think that laying next to each through either side of the divide is a friendly thing, that they want to be together when in actual fact that is territory marking and they are making sure the other doesn’t try to cross. They will also show social, communication interactions through the bars but again that doesn’t mean they want to share a territory. Some pairs will remain bonded through the bars but never be able to live together.

Keep us posted on Thursday. Fingers crossed
No real good advice on bonding boars, but did want to say that one of our pigs (Tomie) also has one of those "I'm a lot!" personalities. Her nickname is "Bad Pig" (affectionately.) She will nip fingers, she is really high strung, she will try to bolt off the couch and squeeze into narrow spaces and otherwise just be a handful... but she's fine with our other pig (she's not even the boss.) She saves all her obnoxiousness for the people. Maybe yours will be the same!
They obviously get to know each other through the bars and if they won’t bond then living side by side obviously still provides interaction. This is why you can’t use through the barrier behaviour as any gauge though. People may think that laying next to each through either side of the divide is a friendly thing, that they want to be together when in actual fact that is territory marking and they are making sure the other doesn’t try to cross. They will also show social, communication interactions through the bars but again that doesn’t mean they want to share a territory. Some pairs will remain bonded through the bars but never be able to live together.

Keep us posted on Thursday. Fingers crossed

Yeah I had this predicament when I had 3 boys! Friends through a barrier but mortal enemies without it. Frenemies is probably the most apt description for the relationship they all had lol
No real good advice on bonding boars, but did want to say that one of our pigs (Tomie) also has one of those "I'm a lot!" personalities. Her nickname is "Bad Pig" (affectionately.) She will nip fingers, she is really high strung, she will try to bolt off the couch and squeeze into narrow spaces and otherwise just be a handful... but she's fine with our other pig (she's not even the boss.) She saves all her obnoxiousness for the people. Maybe yours will be the same!

Omg hopefully! Sounds just like my Ollie, he’s truly a DEVIL with me. Although I admire his confidence 😂
Thanks everyone! Gonna attempt the bonding tomorrow when I get home if I’m back early enough or Thursday at the latest. I’m predicting I’ll have my work cut out for me either way because these two are feral and Eggs for some reason thinks he’s much tougher than he actually is 🙄


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Thanks everyone! Gonna attempt the bonding tomorrow when I get home if I’m back early enough or Thursday at the latest. I’m predicting I’ll have my work cut out for me either way because these two are feral and Eggs for some reason thinks he’s much tougher than he actually is 🙄
Best of luck and keep us updated!
Hi everyone! In the middle of a bonding attempt rn. They’re both cowarding a bit apart from one tussle. Ollie’s eating from a shared pile of hay but Eggs is busy exploring. So hard to tell where this is going😂Lots of teeth chattering and rumblestrutting but not a whole pile of action
Omg my timing couldn’t have been worse. About 40-50 mins into the bonding escapade we noticed our cat seemed quite moody/off so had to bring her to the vet because she has a history of getting sick pretty suddenly (she’s okay!) and we were terrified of leaving the boys unattended for a bit because there was one tussle so we had to put their barrier back again 😫 Try again tomorrow I guess ffs
I hate bonding it's so stressful 😫 lol. I hope it all goes well. I get so nervous when they teeth chatter.
Bonding my first boys Rico and Kip was an absolute breeze 😭 10 mins of bickering and then they were basically joined at the hip. These two clowns don’t know what they’re doong, they’re bickering but also cowering away from each other. Can’t make up their minds 😂