Just eating hay...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Our rescue piggy Roly doesn't seem to like his salad & veg, or his cereal much, but he loves hay and drinks lots of water. He eats small amounts of carrot and celery, and some leafy stuff, but not much compared to the others. Should we be worried? Our other pigs scoff tons of salad and veg, and their nuggets or cereal...

He is not at all fat but seems healthy.. ?

Here he is..

Have you checked his teeth to make sure they are not to long and stopping him feeding? I am sure you have its just an idea. He may just be in hay :)
Hi Katie,

This is the problem I have with Cuzzy at the mo. He'll nibble a carrot but spit most of it out but is eating hay and drinking. I'm thinking he just feels a bit sensitive when swallowing veggies because of his ear infection and respirtory problems. He had his teeth checked at the vets and they were fine.

I think just try and build Roly up slowly maybe use a potato peeler on a carrot and chop veggies into small pieces. I'm doing this with Cuzzy. I'm not overly concerned about him as he is eating some veg and lots of hay and is pooping. I guess its a slow process getting to where he was before his illness!

Good luck with Roly, he is gorge!

Thanks Louise!
I don't think he is poorly, he is the picture of health, his habits are just so different to our other pigs!
Will try chopping it up smaller.

Hope Cuzzy is doing OK!

They're all different aren't they! Sounds to me like he's fine but just being a bit fussy! Mine changes his mind from day to day what he likes and doesn't like! :tickedoff: ;D ;D
Black Jack said:
They're all different aren't they! Sounds to me like he's fine but just being a bit fussy! Mine changes his mind from day to day what he likes and doesn't like! :tickedoff: ;D ;D

They all have such individual tastes! I stand in front of 5 bowls morning and night and think right, " he doesn't like that, he loves that...." Slaves or what?
piglover said:
Black Jack said:
They're all different aren't they! Sounds to me like he's fine but just being a bit fussy! Mine changes his mind from day to day what he likes and doesn't like! :tickedoff: ;D ;D

They all have such individual tastes! I stand in front of 5 bowls morning and night and think right, " he doesn't like that, he loves that...." Slaves or what?

Yeah I know but gotta love them eh?! ;D
Black Jack said:
piglover said:
Black Jack said:
They're all different aren't they! Sounds to me like he's fine but just being a bit fussy! Mine changes his mind from day to day what he likes and doesn't like! :tickedoff: ;D ;D

They all have such individual tastes! I stand in front of 5 bowls morning and night and think right, " he doesn't like that, he loves that...." Slaves or what?

Yeah I know but gotta love them eh?! ;D
and I thought kids were fussy, not a patch on the piggies ;D ;D
Don't know if it helps but my vet was really keen to emphasise that a piggies diet shoud be 75% hay 20% veggies and 5% dried food...maybe just what their used to... I certainly give my piggies veg twice a day but they eat loads of hay! Lesley
lesley said:
Don't know if it helps but my vet was really keen to emphasise that a piggies diet shoud be 75% hay 20% veggies and 5% dried food...maybe just what their used to... I certainly give my piggies veg twice a day but they eat loads of hay! Lesley

I was about to say the same hay is a very big part in thier diet do not worry your piigie looks fine O0 :)
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