Just been bitten by Wiiiiieek

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
Greater south London with my husband
Hello all...

Just been bitten on the wrist by Wiiiiieek. All I did was put my hand in his cage. He got me right on the vein and broke the skin a little, it's swollen up around the bite, I've put some Savlon on but my hand hurts further up so I hope he hasn't damaged a nerve.

This is all I need right now after everything thats been going on the past few days with Cocoa, Caramel, Cotton and Morris.

The also bit Rasher a couple of weeks ago and drew blood. Bit Rob on the knee, teeth all the way in cause he thought it was Rasher just after as well.

I feel so depressed. If I didn't need to be up every two hours to feed the babies and milk Caramel, I'd probably go to bed and stay there. I can't seem to do anything right recently. I can't make sure Caramel is healthy as she has mastitis, I couldn't help my little Cocoa survive, I'm obviously not doing something right or there would be no problem with Cotton, I haven't been to see my mum or Morris in months because I was "too busy" - some daughter! And now, I've somehow upset Wiiiiieek so much he felt the need to sink his teeth into me and swear at me.

Any ideas why he might have bitten me? He's been quite aggressive like this recently as said above. I don't know why he's being like this. Hormones?!

For details on events regarding pigs mentioned please see: Rainbow Bridge for "Gorgeous, Tiny Baby Cocoa", Pregnancy and Labour for "Caramel has popped" and Guinea Pig Chat for "Poor Rasher".

I know you are all probably sick of my posting threads here there and everywhere so I'm sorry, I just need somewhere to put down how I'm feeling.

Thank you to everyone who has read and replied, I really do appreciate it.

Magdalena AKA Wiiiiieek! x>>
aww it's ok, it sounds like you've had a rough time recently. please don't blame yourself for litte pig's death or mum having mastitis. the fact that you are up every two hours to milk and feed is very commendable, and clearly shows how dedicated and loving you are to your guinea pigs. they are lucky to have you. and plus, you have been providing them with veterinary care when they need it. you are doing everything right, love! some things just can't be controlled...
as for why he bit you, how old is he? it very well could be hormones, boars are quite notorious for being stroppy in their adolescence (my piglet is the poster pig for angsty teenage pig rolleyes). anyway, chin up. i know it's hard to deal with sometimes, but you're doing a great job.
aww it's ok, it sounds like you've had a rough time recently. please don't blame yourself for litte pig's death or mum having mastitis. the fact that you are up every two hours to milk and feed is very commendable, and clearly shows how dedicated and loving you are to your guinea pigs. they are lucky to have you. and plus, you have been providing them with veterinary care when they need it. you are doing everything right, love! some things just can't be controlled...
as for why he bit you, how old is he? it very well could be hormones, boars are quite notorious for being stroppy in their adolescence (my piglet is the poster pig for angsty teenage pig rolleyes). anyway, chin up. i know it's hard to deal with sometimes, but you're doing a great job.

Hi, thank you so much for the reply... Wiiiiieek is 23 weeks old, will be 24 weeks old on Thursday.
based on his age, i'd say he's probably inundated with piggy testosterone, so dont blame yourself! I'm sure he'll chill out eventually :)
Oh dear Magdalena it's just the last straw isn't it :{

I'm sure he's just a little over the top at the moment yup those teenage times @), maybe he smelt the girls? rolleyes
based on his age, i'd say he's probably inundated with piggy testosterone, so dont blame yourself! I'm sure he'll chill out eventually :)

Thank you, I thought it might be hormones but I wasn't sure...

Oh dear Magdalena it's just the last straw isn't it :{

I'm sure he's just a little over the top at the moment yup those teenage times @), maybe he smelt the girls? rolleyes

Thank you, he might have smelt them, yes. I'd just finished feeding them and put the last one back with Caramel when I noticed he'd over-turned his bowl. I put my hand in to put it back up the right way and pick up a few poos.

I know neutering won't make a difference if he's just a nipping kind of pig but maybe if it's just the hormones, it might? He's never been mated or anything which is why I couldn't understand why he attacked Rasher who wasn't showing him any kind of aggression. I didn't know at the time, thanks to Rob (OH), but obviously Rasher has mated - he didn't even try to nip Wiiiiieek back, just tried to get out of the way. I know that boars may fight after being with a sow. He is a very gentle and affectionate 'little' boy (actually he is a massive, stocky, great big pig, his dad was too apparently). He could have easily seriously hurt Wiiiiieek if he wanted to. Same with Coconut.

I've had to put his and Wiiiiieek's neutering on hold so far. 1st Wiiiiieek had a urinary infection, then I found out Caramel was having Rasher's pups and now there's her and hopefully Cotton's treatment bills coming up too. I don't mind paying, I'd sell everything I owned to pay the vet if it meant they would be ok... Just don't know how long I'll have to postpone other things like the neuterings as of yet.

AND I have university exams coming up in a couple of weeks! I've been kind of sticking my fingers up at uni recently what with all that's been going on. I need to do some work for my next lecture on Wednesday but it's just really not where my head is right now... I feel like joining Wiiiiieek and nipping someone to be honest - my lecturer probably.
Thank you, I thought it might be hormones but I wasn't sure...

Thank you, he might have smelt them, yes. I'd just finished feeding them and put the last one back with Caramel when I noticed he'd over-turned his bowl. I put my hand in to put it back up the right way and pick up a few poos.

I know neutering won't make a difference if he's just a nipping kind of pig but maybe if it's just the hormones, it might? He's never been mated or anything which is why I couldn't understand why he attacked Rasher who wasn't showing him any kind of aggression. I didn't know at the time, thanks to Rob (OH), but obviously Rasher has mated - he didn't even try to nip Wiiiiieek back, just tried to get out of the way. I know that boars may fight after being with a sow. He is a very gentle and affectionate 'little' boy (actually he is a massive, stocky, great big pig, his dad was too apparently). He could have easily seriously hurt Wiiiiieek if he wanted to. Same with Coconut.

I've had to put his and Wiiiiieek's neutering on hold so far. 1st Wiiiiieek had a urinary infection, then I found out Caramel was having Rasher's pups and now there's her and hopefully Cotton's treatment bills coming up too. I don't mind paying, I'd sell everything I owned to pay the vet if it meant they would be ok... Just don't know how long I'll have to postpone other things like the neuterings as of yet.

AND I have university exams coming up in a couple of weeks! I've been kind of sticking my fingers up at uni recently what with all that's been going on. I need to do some work for my next lecture on Wednesday but it's just really not where my head is right now... I feel like joining Wiiiiieek and nipping someone to be honest - my lecturer probably.

look out lecturer {:|

I"m sure you'll be able to knuckle down soon love...... get a couple of good nights rest and then hop into it xx>>>xx>>>xx>>>
mastitis is another thing I have had experience in - are you giving her antibiotics? The other thing I can recommend and its perfectly safe for all animals is uddermint http://www.farmrite.co.uk/product/5022771222226/Teisen-Uddermint-600mls You only need a little bit (and I mean a little bit, it spreads a far way) and gently massage on the udder area. It breaks down the infection in the milk ducts and cools and soothes the whole area.

Its also pretty handy to have about to treat yourself for aches and pains - its far better than deep heat and just a word of warning, wash your hands thoughly as if you rub your eyes with any trace on your hands you will know about it - I would wash your hands a few times.

Lots of hugs
I'm so sorry to hear you're having so much trouble at the minute. You're doing a fantastic job regardless, don't think you are doing anything wrong at all, not for one moment. I was ready to wreck all round me after the second night with my new puppy so I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, with lack of sleep on top of everything.
I've missed your story up until now, but will be keeping an eye out and hoping for good news soon.
Really wish you the best for your exams, hopefully things will ease up for you very soon and allow you to knuckle down to that xox
mastitis is another thing I have had experience in - are you giving her antibiotics? The other thing I can recommend and its perfectly safe for all animals is uddermint http://www.farmrite.co.uk/product/5022771222226/Teisen-Uddermint-600mls You only need a little bit (and I mean a little bit, it spreads a far way) and gently massage on the udder area. It breaks down the infection in the milk ducts and cools and soothes the whole area.

Its also pretty handy to have about to treat yourself for aches and pains - its far better than deep heat and just a word of warning, wash your hands thoughly as if you rub your eyes with any trace on your hands you will know about it - I would wash your hands a few times.

Lots of hugs

Hi, yes she is on Baytril from the vet but I've bookmarked your link just in case, thank you... I also use deep heat sometimes as I have a bad knee (twisted it badly 3 times now) so I'll definitely have a look, thank you again.

I'm so sorry to hear you're having so much trouble at the minute. You're doing a fantastic job regardless, don't think you are doing anything wrong at all, not for one moment. I was ready to wreck all round me after the second night with my new puppy so I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, with lack of sleep on top of everything.
I've missed your story up until now, but will be keeping an eye out and hoping for good news soon.
Really wish you the best for your exams, hopefully things will ease up for you very soon and allow you to knuckle down to that xox

Thank you, my mother has offered or should I say, is insisting that she will pay for Wiiiiieek to be neutered, about £49. I said thank you but use it to pay for Morris's vet bills (her cat, my furry little brother - details in the "Caramel has popped" thread in pregnancy and labour about his recent severe illness). Her vet bill is £700 so far and counting and she has a high mortgage and bills to pay etc. I am very grateful to her, Morris became ill at the same time as Caramel and Cocoa so we've both been up all night, talking on yahoo messenger and basically, keeping each other sane through all the worry for the past few days. It would have been worse without her.

Luckily for me, it's not a conventional exam, they give us some scientific articles and we re-write them in a set style or write a summary article etc... I still need to do my coursework to practice but I don't need to learn anything as such for the exam as I can already do this. It's just getting the standard of my writing up to a point where I will pass the exam.
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