Jumpy Piggy

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 12, 2017
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my piggy Is a typical pervain sheltie cross but I need help bonding she seems to somewhat like me but hates being touched she will sit on my lap and is problary to intelgant and agile for her own good o pick her up every up every day and have had piggys most of my life I also train her to do tricks wich she loves need some tips
Hello, welcome to the forum :)

What is your piggies name?

Piggies are prey animals so are very nervous. How long have you had her?

It may be worth offering food to your piggy while she is in her cage and hopefully after time they will take it off you - Food is the best way to bribe, use food when you get round to lap times also. Start lap time for a short amount of time at first and build up. We started off we lap times for 1 minute with new piggies then pop them back, slowly increasing the time. They will soon associate you with food and good things but at first it takes a while to gain their trust. Collecting the piggy in a conveyance can help take the stress out of picking up for them and you, see the technique in this video below
her names river she came from a breeder she is a long hair so really difficult to brush lol its always the long haired ones some days she is amazing others she just cant be bothered with me she likes me but seems to bored so I try training her to increase her bond I also do what you said but its hard to focus on her cause we have 3 other hungry piggy's anyway I'm used to dealing with "different" or "unique" animal ah river she just makes me laug
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