Junior Guinea Pig
One of my babies just jumped out of my arms - I was sitting down with her and about to transfer her into the snuggle sack (should have done this on the ground like I normally do - I feel so awful) and she jumped out about 20ish cm forwards and 20cm down roughly. I think (it happened so fast) that she landed on her back, flipped over and then ran off. She didn't make any noise, hid for a bit with her sister and seemed a bit scared. I then offered her lettuce and she ate, seems to be moving normally just a bit nervous. I picked her up after about 10 minutes with the snuggle sack, had her on my lap, stroked her back and she didn't respond any differently from normal. She's eating, moving about, talking as usual. From other threads on this site I think i just need to monitor her for the next few days and get her to the vet if she is acting unusually in any way - and of course, be more careful myself. Is that the best thing to do? just want to make sure that she's okay