July 2017 Photo Competition Winner!


Staff member
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
The votes are in! It was all so close and the lead changed daily!

In Descending order

1st place goes to @Powerpigs Voltti and their wonderful chookens!

2nd place goes to @Swissgreys with Ruby! I love the story behind this photo! Ruby - Traumatising Small Children Since 2016

3rd place goes to @PiggyOwner with the gorgeous Max
max 3.webp

The random prize draw for all entrants will be announced tomorrow evening!

Thanks to all that entered and voted! It was great fun seeing all the photos :drool:
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The votes are in! It was all so close and the lead changed daily!

In Descending order

1st place goes to @Powerpigs Voltti and their wonderful chookens!

2nd place goes to @Swissgreys with Ruby! I love the story behind this photo! Ruby - Traumatising Small Children Since 2016

3rd place goes to @PiggyOwner with the gorgeous Max


The random prize draw for all entrants will be announced tomorrow evening!

Thanks to all that entered and voted! It was great fun seeing all the photos :drool:
@Powerpigs ive got your photo saved on Pinterest lol, I saw it a few weeks ago and it's such a cute photo x
@Powerpigs ive got your photo saved on Pinterest lol, I saw it a few weeks ago and it's such a cute photo x

Aw, thank you! Voltti was being very photogenic the day I got that picture. We were having marathon lap time, and Voltti seemed to enjoy himself a lot :luv:

This photo was actually taken during the few days when Voltti was a lone piggy (our other pig Ampeeri had sadly been pts a couple of days ago, and our new pig Ohmi was still on his way to us) so I think Voltti enjoyed hs lap time even more than normally! But he definitely is a lap piggy :love:
Congratulations! Could the winning photos be made visible to guests? So everyone can enjoy. :) Listening out for the Grand Draw drum roll...

Will sort this, I was trying to cut a corner to save 5 mins work my end as was pushed for time on a sunday night...... :))
I am very late to this thread (sorry) but wanted to say huge congratulations to the winners.
Miss Ruby would like to thank everyone who voted for her, and is feeling very smug about coming in second to the rather handsome Voltti and just about the very lovely Max.
Thank you from Ruby.
And trust me - it is better that I thank you via the Forum because if you were to meet her in person she would probably bite you (even if you did vote for her!).
A feisty little Madam is she @Swissgreys?
Oh yes @Betsy - our Ruby is very much a 'one person piggie'.
She is an angel for DD1 - Ruby happily trots to the front of the cage when called, and will lay sprawled across her lap for literally hours.
But if anyone else tries to pick her up or do anything with her she makes it quite clear she isn't interested at all!