New Born Pup
My sweet pea has lost most of her fur, needs to be fed large amounts of green to keep weight on her, sometimes shivers, and has seen three vets with no diagnosis. Bright, active, happy, anyone have any clues?
She has good hay & pellets always. One vet said to feed her as much as wants to keep her weight up. She eats huge amount of greens & veggies, and hardly can maintain her weight. But with hair loss, started on belly, now all the way to neck with some balding starting from neck across the top of her head. Smooth skin, no itching .I think she may be cold at times, hopefully not in pain causing shivering. Blood was ordered but I cancelled because vet was requiring an eight hour fast because of iso induction. . Blood test was for moicher small mammal comprehensive + T4. Ihope to get test somewhere else now. She has a good vet. Sounds like I will try to cut down on greens, and syringe fed her with critical care. Is that right ? Even though she is still eating and very hungry. Will critical care feedings be nessasary?