Joining Two Hutches?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK.
I've been offered a second hutch for my girls and just wondering if any one has managed to successfully join two together and if so how? I have in my head a tube/tunnel of some description running between the two.
Hi! I have to say your girls are adorable! I love their colourings and markings. Anyhoo, as for joining the hutches together I'm not 100% sure how u could do it. It could help if we saw what the hutches looked like. In winter I join my two hutches together but only because one hutch has a drop down ramp. It equals 20 ft overall! It depends on how u want it to look. If u want to join them side ways then I would get a large PVC tube and cut two holes in the mesh. There is a company only called runaround and they sell tubes and stuff for rabbit and guinea pigs. I would have a look at their website and see if there's anything u like the look of! It's a gr8 website! It's a good idea to join your Hughes together because the more space the better! I'll insert my winter hutches tht are joined together


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You could use a "run around" tunnel, that is a system usually used to connect a rabbit hutch to a run but would work equally well to join together two hutches. Or I think @Bekki thought of a good way to do it more cheaply with drain pipes, but I might be wrong... Bekki?
I havent done it but I have seen it done but it does sound like a very simple way of doing it that would be effective also.
image.webp This is the hutch the girls came with, it's really quite small for them. This is the second hutch I've been offered image.webp The runaround systems look good but costly. I like the less costly drain pipe idea. I think if I put the side by side so they had one long hutch it would work.

Btw this won't be their permanent accommodation they are moving indoors hopefully tomorrow.
I don't think either of those hutches are big enough for 3 pigs so I would definitely attach them together! Do u have a run?
Yes I have a run too but with the weather being so naff they haven't gotten out in it the last few days.
The girls in their run today image.webp With my big boy guarding them


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Id be excited to see what it looks like as both hutches look very small so they need joining to make something big enough for temp use :-)
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