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Johnsons fly strike spray?

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
I am writing this on behalf of my friend as she has just brought some of this for her rabbit. It is a yellow colour and smells awful but she says it keeps flies away. She said she used it a few years ago for her last rabbit but it wasn't a yellow colour and smelt different. Do you think they have just changed the formula as the bottle also has a different lid now? It is well in date etc
I've only ever use Xenex on rabbits, she could always look and see on the bottle for a customer services number...I'm sure they will be able to help :)
I know very little about Rabbits but I know you can buy a product called rearguard from the vets to prevent flystrike costs £16 but well worth it ;)
Rear guard is the same sort of thing I think......either will be worth every penny....flystrike is the most awful thing....My old rabbit had a scratch on his back, which I stupidly didn't see....was fine at breakfast and by lunchtime had the early signs of flystrike,I must have been so naive as I thought they would only go on pooey areas (sorry can't think how to put it delicately ::)) but if there is any breaks on the skin the flies will lay :P Alot of tears and TLC later he was fine but I would never leave a bun untreated again in the summer :)
Just remember when you have applied Rearguard or similar to a buns bottom, if you then need to wash the bun i.e. it's rear end is dirty, you will wash off the Rearguard, so remember to re-apply. :)
Thanks for the advice guys. From what I said about the change in colour and smell from a few years ago, do you think they have just changed the formula? She has already put it on her bun and it hasn't effected him in a bad way. Just for my peace of mind now, would anyone use this on their pigs or any other fly strike formula?
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