John Anderson Has His First Bath

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and oh my goodness he really did not like the experience one little bit! It took two of us to wash him because he kept climbing out the kitchen sink!
Here's some piccies of my baby. Think the photos are smaller this time round :)

Waiting for the coconeem to work

Still waiting, but cutest photo of him yet!

In his bath, looks like a drowned rat poor piggy!

Hiding afterwards..PLEASE NO MORE!
Heehee! Bless him! It can be a bit alarming bathing your piggie for the first time, the sheer determination to get out of the water is astonishing! How cute, hiding! Is that you there, too? Hello! ;D
Haha it's fun bathing them! He'll get used to it maybe? I've only bathed Twinkle up to now, but I'll have to do Sunshine soon! Better run Emily's threw her ball next door and I have to knock for it!

Take care,

Awww what a cutie pie. Mine all hate baths, I get jealous reading on here about peoples piggies loving their baths ;D
Maybe its because I have all boys...well boys like being smelly dont they? ;D ;)
Aw he is lovely! A very handsome chap!
Mine hate baths too and try to jump out, and Jeremy REALLY hates being dried and struggles and protests so much! he is the smelliest one too and often farts just as I have washed him!
I have 4 pigs that I haven't dared to bath yet. I've bought all the stuff from gorgeous Guineas but just know they will all hate me for it.

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