Jester is getting some friends


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 12, 2018
Reaction score
South Devon, England
I posted a couple of months ago about losing Jester's brother, Bandit and wanting a couple of girls to keep Jester company.
We have finally found two girls that are about a year old from my local rescue and we're getting them on Friday (11th Oct).
I'm very excited and really hope the bonding goes well. It's just a trial so I'd have to take them back if it doesn't work out. I'm also very nervous as this is the first time I've bonded piggies and my first girls.
I was sent a pigture of them after I'd said yes to having them and I'm hoping someone can help me out on colours, they are both agouti. Am I right in thinking silver agouti and white? And cream agouti and ? perhaps gold?
They are pretty, whatever colours they are.
I'll update on the bonding, fingers and toes crossed that it's a success :luv:


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I'm in love, 2 gorgeous agouti's, my favourite coat. Yes a silver and a dark eyed golden. :luv:

I hope the bonding goes well, lucky Jester.
Hello everyone...
Well, so far so good :yahoo:
I initially put them all in the kitchen in neutral territory. The girls went straight up to Jester and I'm sure he thought all his Christmases had come at once.
There was rumbling and sumo stomping but the girls just let him do his thing and they are so much quicker than Jester so they easily out-run him and leave him exhausted.
The girls are so friendly and were standing on my feet and I could stroke their heads within 10 minutes. They are confident and have clearly been loved and cared for so it was very different from my other rescues where the piggies had been neglected.
After about an hour and a half, I moved them all to the lounge where I'd already used bicarb and cinnamon on the carpet to remove Jester's scent and they had such a good time. Jester had his silly moments because he was overly excited but there was never anything nasty. Jester was so tired and would try to lay down but popcorn at the same time which was just odd to see.
After a few hours and they were all knackered, I put them in their enclosure so they could sleep. Jester was really struggling to rest as though the girls might not be there when he awoke and he didn't want to miss a second.
Friday late afternoon, I put a divider in as Jester was starting to annoy the girls and I though they could get used to it before bedtime as I though it best to separate them over night.
The next morning, Jester was frantic and desperate to get to them, he was like a thing possessed. Once they were all on the floor for a run, they were fine and happy to be together again.
I put them on the floor three times yesterday for about and hour and a half each time thinking that by exhausting them, they would be less likely to have issues. As it went so well yesterday, I left them together overnight. I didn't sleep much, listening out for piggy activity but other than a few rumbles, they were quiet and have remained together.
I'm calling the girls, Brown and Grey in my failed attempt not to get attached in case it didn't work out so I didn't want to name them.
Although it all seems so good, I'm still hesitant that as the girls gain confidence, they might challenge Jester and lead to a fight. Not sure how likely that is but I'm just worried that his cave man antics might annoy the girls too much. Jester is a very dramatic and rumbly pig, always has been and I think it's rather annoying sometimes for the other piggies to keep being rumbled and stomped at and moved on from whatever they were doing. That behaviour led to the falling out of Jester and his brother Bandit.
The girls are very tolerant and good natured and they have their secret weapon of shooting pee at him which gets him running for the hills. They also bop him on the nose when he gets too much.
Not sure what else I can do other than give it time and hope that Jester doesn't ruin it all with his excitement. I really don't think an introduction could have been better with instant acceptance.
I'm constantly monitoring and just have to see how it goes but I'm cautiously optimistic :luv:
Hello everyone...
Well, so far so good :yahoo:
I initially put them all in the kitchen in neutral territory. The girls went straight up to Jester and I'm sure he thought all his Christmases had come at once.
There was rumbling and sumo stomping but the girls just let him do his thing and they are so much quicker than Jester so they easily out-run him and leave him exhausted.
The girls are so friendly and were standing on my feet and I could stroke their heads within 10 minutes. They are confident and have clearly been loved and cared for so it was very different from my other rescues where the piggies had been neglected.
After about an hour and a half, I moved them all to the lounge where I'd already used bicarb and cinnamon on the carpet to remove Jester's scent and they had such a good time. Jester had his silly moments because he was overly excited but there was never anything nasty. Jester was so tired and would try to lay down but popcorn at the same time which was just odd to see.
After a few hours and they were all knackered, I put them in their enclosure so they could sleep. Jester was really struggling to rest as though the girls might not be there when he awoke and he didn't want to miss a second.
Friday late afternoon, I put a divider in as Jester was starting to annoy the girls and I though they could get used to it before bedtime as I though it best to separate them over night.
The next morning, Jester was frantic and desperate to get to them, he was like a thing possessed. Once they were all on the floor for a run, they were fine and happy to be together again.
I put them on the floor three times yesterday for about and hour and a half each time thinking that by exhausting them, they would be less likely to have issues. As it went so well yesterday, I left them together overnight. I didn't sleep much, listening out for piggy activity but other than a few rumbles, they were quiet and have remained together.
I'm calling the girls, Brown and Grey in my failed attempt not to get attached in case it didn't work out so I didn't want to name them.
Although it all seems so good, I'm still hesitant that as the girls gain confidence, they might challenge Jester and lead to a fight. Not sure how likely that is but I'm just worried that his cave man antics might annoy the girls too much. Jester is a very dramatic and rumbly pig, always has been and I think it's rather annoying sometimes for the other piggies to keep being rumbled and stomped at and moved on from whatever they were doing. That behaviour led to the falling out of Jester and his brother Bandit.
The girls are very tolerant and good natured and they have their secret weapon of shooting pee at him which gets him running for the hills. They also bop him on the nose when he gets too much.
Not sure what else I can do other than give it time and hope that Jester doesn't ruin it all with his excitement. I really don't think an introduction could have been better with instant acceptance.
I'm constantly monitoring and just have to see how it goes but I'm cautiously optimistic :luv:


Please do not interrupt the bonding and group establishing process constantly and allow them to work through the normal instinctive manual that they have but you don't. There is no risk of fall-outs unless you destabilise the group establishment process with your contstant interference. Boars tend to go overboard when in the presence of sow pheromones for the first time and first seasons in mixed gender bondings are wild - the shared excess of emotions helps to actually cement their bond. No piggy will come to any harm.

The dominance behaviour is perfectly normal for that stage. You haven't mentioned a single 'red alert' behaviour. Both girls have accepted him and submitted to his leadership right at the start. Mixed gender bonding have their very own different dynamics.
Please respect them and trust your piggies if you cannot trust yourself. Stop forcing Jester to go through all the dominance all over again after each separation instead of being able to work through it. They will get there faster and with much less unnecessary added stress on their new bond if you do not intervene.

Please just let them get on with it.

Yes, let them work it out, separating them will only make them frantic because there is unfinished business. It sounds like they really want to be together so let them figure out all the details.

All the best to Jester, Hermione and Luna!
There is no risk of fall-outs unless you destabilise the group establishment process with your contstant interference.
I don't think 'constant interference' is fair!
To have told everything that happened would have turned my post into an epic essay and I glossed over a lot.
Yes, I separated them late Friday afternoon as when they were in their enclosure, Jester was being so annoying to the girls that there wasn't any peace for any of them with constant teeth chattering and then a standoff with Jester and Brown. Both had heads raised at each other, Jester had his mouth open and all three piggies were chattering teeth. They needed to cool off. I stand by what I did and it allowed everyone to get some rest and for the poor girls to settle down a bit. I don't think it would have been very responsible to take the grids away when things had cooled, just as I was about to go to bed so I left them as neighbours overnight to start again when I could monitor them. I didn't just separate them without very good reason. I made sure they were all settled and not so stressed before I went to bed.
6am the following morning they were on the floor together again and have remained together since then. I'm not separating them all the time as it may seem.
They are together and I'm letting them sort out their business. I do put them all together on the floor for runs which they enjoy.
I'm really not sure what was meant by my 'constant interference'? yes, I stroked the girls when they came and stood on my feet but I wasn't chasing them around trying to touch them.
And I'm not forcing Jester to go through dominance repeatedly as I only separated once to prevent what I thought could have been a potential fight. I don't have your experience and this is my first time bonding but I'm doing my best. I have researched a lot on bonding but nothing quite prepares one for the real thing and seeing it in person.
I appreciate your reassurance that Jester's dominance and behaviour are normal. I was just a bit worried by the quick escalation of things on Friday afternoon.
I don't think 'constant interference' is fair!
To have told everything that happened would have turned my post into an epic essay and I glossed over a lot.
Yes, I separated them late Friday afternoon as when they were in their enclosure, Jester was being so annoying to the girls that there wasn't any peace for any of them with constant teeth chattering and then a standoff with Jester and Brown. Both had heads raised at each other, Jester had his mouth open and all three piggies were chattering teeth. They needed to cool off. I stand by what I did and it allowed everyone to get some rest and for the poor girls to settle down a bit. I don't think it would have been very responsible to take the grids away when things had cooled, just as I was about to go to bed so I left them as neighbours overnight to start again when I could monitor them. I didn't just separate them without very good reason. I made sure they were all settled and not so stressed before I went to bed.
6am the following morning they were on the floor together again and have remained together since then. I'm not separating them all the time as it may seem.
They are together and I'm letting them sort out their business. I do put them all together on the floor for runs which they enjoy.
I'm really not sure what was meant by my 'constant interference'? yes, I stroked the girls when they came and stood on my feet but I wasn't chasing them around trying to touch them.
And I'm not forcing Jester to go through dominance repeatedly as I only separated once to prevent what I thought could have been a potential fight. I don't have your experience and this is my first time bonding but I'm doing my best. I have researched a lot on bonding but nothing quite prepares one for the real thing and seeing it in person.
I appreciate your reassurance that Jester's dominance and behaviour are normal. I was just a bit worried by the quick escalation of things on Friday afternoon.

Thank you for clarifying. I got the impression that there were more separations when reading through it because of the moving around between cage and playground. Please just let them get on with it. It is nerve-racking but everything is in the green. Jester will eventually calm down; a bit more with every passing day, excepting the first seasons.

Guinea pigs are territorial so I prefer them to get through the worst of the post-intro group establishing part in the cage before giving extra run time because that can add an extra stress factor, especially for a boar.
Raised heads, chattering and chasing are not too concerning imo, it's all just dominance theatre. It seems very dramatic to us but it's all how pig social life goes
Glad to hear all is going well.
Jester’s behaviour sounds very much like my Micah when he first met his wives.
An excited boar is a sight to behold !