Jess’s thread! 😍

that picture of her with the blueberries and parsley is one of my favourite guinea pig pictures I've ever seen it just radiates so much joy 🥰
Aw that’s lovely of you, I absolutely adore that pic! :love:

Well she’s caught up on lots of beauty sleep and enjoyed a big pile of hay with some flowery forage :D Aliona looking rather suspicious there!:))
And she’s just her meds like a good girl (was in a grump with them this morning!) so got first dibs on the veg!
Did have to pick the coriander off though as it’s poison atm and doesn’t want it anywhere near her!
Well my little sausage has had a good night and was very good with her meds (but has decided she hates metacam these days!). Even jumped straight in her lovely cuddle cup from Auntie @Bill & Ted so I could pick her up for them!
Yes was trying to hide her face when she realised her mistake, funky hairdo! :))
So has just enjoyed a grassy munch with her mates :love: Couldn’t find any nettles anywhere to dry out though!:doh:Plenty of thorns and snails!
(Sorry I’ll probably be adding to this thread fairly often at the moment, helps my brain a bit!)
Jess (and myself!) both had a very sleepy day yesterday but she came out for some love, meds and dried nettles on the bed last night with her pals (@SkyPipDotBernie suggested they can be good for kidneys etc).
First try-nope!
Second try!
Nope, never going to happen!
Even started a staff meeting to discuss how evil I am with Aliona! :))
But thankfully the handsome hoover cleared them up, Aliona decided they weren’t too bad either!
So Jess thought she’d have a favourite instead, dried beetroot :D
Aw she’s looking quite perky there x
Yeah she was knockout most of the day so I kept encouraging her to eat, plonking big hay piles right in front of her etc! Suddenly got a bit of energy in the evening, bolting round the bed away from nasty nettles! :))
Well it’s been cage clean this afternoon so little mama has been having a run around (not even an overstatement!)! First she polished off the rest of the dried grass :)
Then it was find the kale
And also a few sly blueberries (away from the others!)! She’s off everything apart from greens and fruit so I’m buying things to make her happy! :D Or even more of a spoilt madam than before really I should say!:))
Her arch in her back looks so bad, don’t know how I didn’t realise her arthritis was so much worse ☹️☹️Useless! :doh:
Having fun in her nice clean cage now though :luv: with extra cardboard!
Yeah she’s having to have twice daily ‘mini’ bum baths atm, neither of us a fan, but when she sleeps she’s out for a while bless her, gets a bit messy! Tena-lady for piggies, hmm 🤔 😉
Oh sorry forgot to mention, the new hammocks at the back are what Aliona won in the auction and lovely @Sweet Potato posted and arrived today! Looks like they all love them but not sure they’ll be used for hammocks! Esp with Jess, got her vetbed under there so having a snooze already! :love::fog:
I hope Jess really loves hiding under the hammocks it's so lovely hearing her story and following what she's been getting up to x
Ooh yes, she’s been loving having a snooze under them on her vet bed thanks :D Thank you, don’t know how much longer she’ll be with me but I’m glad she’s still happy atm having fun with her mates x