Forum Donator 2022/23
Aw that’s lovely of you, I absolutely adore that pic!that picture of her with the blueberries and parsley is one of my favourite guinea pig pictures I've ever seen it just radiates so much joy
Thanks @rhymer xxJess is so cute and she looks like she is winking at the camera.xx
Thank you, yes she loved it Off most of her veg but still loving that greenery thankfully xAw, she’s is looking great! Hope she enjoyed all the lovely grass there x
Yeah she was knockout most of the day so I kept encouraging her to eat, plonking big hay piles right in front of her etc! Suddenly got a bit of energy in the evening, bolting round the bed away from nasty nettles!Aw she’s looking quite perky there x
Ooh yes, she’s been loving having a snooze under them on her vet bed thanks Thank you, don’t know how much longer she’ll be with me but I’m glad she’s still happy atm having fun with her mates xI hope Jess really loves hiding under the hammocks it's so lovely hearing her story and following what she's been getting up to x