Jericho Nips/bites

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
@Wiebke I know you know about this kind of behaviour, after seeing another thread I thought I'd ask if you had any advice for me (I didn't want to highjack the other thread).

We adopted Jericho last year after Sheamus passed away to be Big E's mate, we were told before hand that he's a bit of a nipper. I don't know if he wasn't handled much or if something else had happened previous to us getting him.

He's a bit of a grumpy pig, sometimes it's just a small nip and other times he pulls your skin. Is there anyway of getting him to stop doing it? or is he just a guinea that doesn't like to be handled?

He's a lovely boy and sometimes you can have a nice cuddle with him and he'll doze off. Big E used to nip a bit when Sheamus was alive but seemed to stop when he passed away?

Tanks in advance
Sometimes my Guinea pig nibbles my finger when we're handling and he wants to be put down or put back into his cage. Usually it starts off really soft, but then the more annoyed he gets the harder he nips the skin.

Usually I might put him back at that time but if I have to keep him in my hand for whatever reason, or I just want to cuddle longer lol I just ignore it. I think he only continues doing it because he learned it can work sometimes.

So I guess my advice might be that, if the pig is being unreasonable, than just ignore it and keep handling him anyway. If the nips are hard you can try gloves or keeping your hand under a blanket. Eventually he should learn that sort of behavior won't work.

Also you can try positive reinforcement, like trying to hand feed them while handling them. Usually treats that you don't normally give them in the cage works best.

Also, keep in mind that some pigs just don't like being handled, period. But don't let that discourage you from trying to train him.
He's been hand fed since we adopted him a year ago, he wasn't handled much by his previous family so I think that's the problem, he doesn't bite to break your skin, he sort of pinches you, sometimes just a nip, depends on his mood really. He does get ignored but it would be nice to be able to put my finger near his cheek without him trying to nip me lol.

I just don't think he likes to be handled often. He was a single guinea as well, but he bonded straight away with Big E who lost his cage mate. It's a shame when people just dump them in a cage.

Just to clarify something, we got him as a guinea that nips/pinches, it really doesn't bother us, I would never get rid of him just because of it, we adopted him to give him a good home which is what I've tried to do. He's part of the family, I was just curious if we could stop him from doing it or if it's just a Jericho thing.

Thanks for the advice.
Sorry I have no advice but seeing as though you've started a thread on biting, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on my Hugo. I read through the threads you linked @Wiebke but Hugo is a bit different. We've had him from a young baby and he's always been well handled and well loved. However, when were doing something he doesn't like, e.g cutting nails, he will be good as gold throughout but when we finish and go to carry him, he will run up my chest and bite my neck, often it bleeds. He doesn't bite throughout the nail cut but afterwards. It's not just the nail cut, this happened after flushing abscesses etc
Sorry I have no advice but seeing as though you've started a thread on biting, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on my Hugo. I read through the threads you linked @Wiebke but Hugo is a bit different. We've had him from a young baby and he's always been well handled and well loved. However, when were doing something he doesn't like, e.g cutting nails, he will be good as gold throughout but when we finish and go to carry him, he will run up my chest and bite my neck, often it bleeds. He doesn't bite throughout the nail cut but afterwards. It's not just the nail cut, this happened after flushing abscesses etc

He is obviously telling you when he REALLY didn't enjoy something! You can still assert your dominance, but pair it with a lot of fuss and praise to assure him that you appreciate him undergoing torture.
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