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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well after a good start, I am having to split Jeff and Skip. Skip has had a couple of nips off Jeff and we had split them. We slowly tried rebonding and it seemed to be going well - until about 15 mins ago. Joe brought Skip in with a cut by his back leg. We have therefore made the decision to keep them apart. I have bathed Skips wound (as instructed by the vet) and am checking it every hour or so to see if we need to pop him to the vets. Thankfully. Skip seems to be taking it all in his stride and is being a very brave boy.
Blooming boys! Never know what's good for them!

You've seen how many of my boys are single Karen - other bits ruling their heads sadly!!
That's sad, never mind :(
We had to separate our boys, but were able to put a removable sliding mesh 'gate' between them so they could happily chat and see each other all day. This worked really well O0
I think I will be keeping them apart full stop Glynis. After spending the day in the garden watching Jeff (this was after he bit Skip), he was really odd. He was even trying the bite the mesh to get at one of our rabbits who was hopping around the garden. He even started to climb the mesh at one stage. I have never seen him do that before. Kate, my only real successful pair are Toffee and Ginger. Mind you, the new ones, Percy and Sidney are doing really well in the run. They can all see each other in the runs (I try and put them side by side) and some hutches are opposite others in the shed, so they all know the others are there. Its a bit of a turnaround for Skip as he used to be the bully (he inflicted a rather nasty wound on Clowny (RIP) which had to be glued together). Skip seemed fine last night before we put him to bed and was running around in his run - thank goodness.
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