I collect Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls, butlike.. I have always wanted a life-size doll.
I'm not really sure why, it's just...
It's not for sexual purposes, as is common with life-size dolls. (Like the American real dolls that look like sweaty porn stars. Ew.)
But rather.. To dress, to style, to look after, to photograph, to display-.. Just..
Words cannot express how amazing that is to me.
Luckily for me, the Japanese are insane and a few companies make life-size Japanese dolls, the most beautiful which have no visible joints such as that Candy Girl Jewel bodied doll by Orient-Doll right thar.
I have come to accept the fact that I am probably extremely creepy.
Alas! Such is life.
They generally cost around Y630,000, which is like £2.6K (or around $5.2K)
I can actually afford that at the present moment. o_o
But I will not buy one yet. :
I'm waiting until I get a job, then I'll start a fund. C:
One doll in particular that I like is Unison's "Superdoll" Maya.
;D Hurr.