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i noticed today when i stroke jake his loosing hair? what can this mean its not loads but its noticable like a malting cat
not clumps just like a cat he has a few with specs on his body bit like dandruff
if its like mine then its just the old hair coming out, if the hairs not really thin and theres no bald patches then I dont think theres anything wrong. x x
My Jeremy has a fungal problem - I have been gently teasing out clumps of hair that are all stuck together but come out of the skin easily and will be giving him a bath this weekend in anti-fungal shampoo.
Keep en eye on Jake, it's probaby nothing to worry about. :)
I have 2 different ones that I got from the vets for various probs - Sebomild microbial (?!) shampoo, says it treats greasy flaky skin, and Malaseb antibacterial and anti fungal shampoo. I usually use Gorgeous Guineas on him and Tiger, but will have to try one of the vets shampoos this time i think as it is not clearing up.
Nibbles has a fungal problem & is on medication from CCT, his fur isnt yet coming out in clumps but
his skin is quite pink compared to SqueekyPetes.
I have to gently pull the hair out - I read somewhere that this is what I need to do - not nice for Jeremy but his coat looks better. The clumps that come out I think are mostly dead hair but it is all stuck together so doesn't fall out naturally.
If it is just small amounts it could quite possibly be that he is molting.
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