Jack: Bum Boar Problem

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Mother Hubbard

Forum Donator 2024/25
Nov 13, 2009
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Bewdley, Worcs, England
Captain Jack hasn't been himself, I thought his poo issue had resolved itself. So vet visit today, he's pooping no problems, however he had quite a bit of debris. Now, I think I'm okay at looking after my piggies but he was quite full. Anyway, he's been cleaned out and has now resting at home eating his romaine lettuce.

So my question is this, can anyone post a video - tutorial on how to clean boar bits?

Perhaps I'm not firm enough in the cleaning, but I wouldn't want him to suffer. He's quite a small boar for his age so perhaps that's an issue. The other boys are fine.

Many thanks in advance.
There's one on youtube, just search 'guinea pig anal sac cleaning'.
Oh my gosh I have never done this for Edward. How often should I do it ? What if I get the wrong hole? Where do I get mineral oil from? Would someone in south Yorkshire do it I would pay them. DEAR GOSH HELP:vom:
Should all boars have this done? I am getting piggy paranoia now as I was under the impression that this should only be dne when they have trouble pooping or.....yes like at @nicky please help!
What a relaxed well behaved pig in the video. I have only had my boys for about seven weeks and could never imagine being able to do that to them. Oh my! what have I let myself in for.
I personally do this to my 4 boys about every 3 to 4 weeks. I don't know about the UK but here in the states I get it where you find the laxatives as that is what it is... I agree its disgusting and smelly.
I've had 3 boars and I've never had to do it!
I think you only need to do this if the boar has impaction (usually older un-neutered boars) or when the boy is especially dirty. My Hazelnut is forever dragging his bottom around and his bits are hairless so there is often debris stuck up his anus & this sometime means poops can't get out. Peanut Butter on the other hand has never needed his anal sac cleaned so far. Here we use liquid paraffin (same as mineral oil) obtained from the "bums & tums" aisle as my chemist calls it. (yup, the laxatives section.)

Hazelnut does not seem to mind the procedure (wish he was as calm with the nail trims), but I do find it smelly & yucky. However, not as smelly & yucky as baby nappies, let me tell you!

Sorry, I didn't get a notification. I have not done this myself but have seen it done at clinic (it was similar to the video I think but can't watch it at work) and the OH cleaned the boar of a lady who we were helping too. It tends to only need doing on boars that suffer from impaction. I don't do it regularly on my own boars but we do keep an eye out for the signs of it especially as they start to get older. The cleaning I saw was done with a baby wipe.
An experienced guinea pig man told me that unless a boar is impacted you have to be very careful about inserting cotton buds as that can cause the muscles to weaken which will lead to impaction. I will tag him and hope he comes on here. @gizzy
That looks terrifying. I'd be too scared of hurting them as they would NEVER stay still for that!
I always see them dragging their little bums across the floor....now I'm worried!
crikey I have just watched it, errrm, me thinks I won't be doing that! I've never had a problem before and yes I do check my boys bits and occasionally dig out some debris. But it was clear Jack was suffering a bit. I will naturally be keeping an eye on him.
That looks terrifying. I'd be too scared of hurting them as they would NEVER stay still for that!
I always see them dragging their little bums across the floor....now I'm worried!

I am following this thread as I want to do what is best for my neutered boar.

I think bum dragging is just scent marking but need some guidance on how to monitor for impaction.
The OH disagrees with me, he thinks a cotton bud was involved aswell as the baby wipe. I am at piggy clinic a week on Saturday so will find out then.
That video is good because it is the only one around. The 'cleaner' is a bit too enthusiastic with the cotton bud. A boar only needs to be cleaned out if he becomes impacted or collects a lot of poo in his poo sac. It should not be done as a preventative only. If you follow the videos directions but at a slower and less invasive pace, you will find that the job is quite easy. Olive oil can be used instead of mineral oil.
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