Jack and Ruffle introduction thread

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Oct 12, 2007
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I thought I'd keep one thread to keep you all updated how I get on introducing my 4 year old boar Jack to his new baby companion Ruffle aged 8 weeks.

At present they are both in indoor cages backing onto each other so they can see each other. Yesterday Ruffle hid all day but this evening he was running circuits round the cage squeaking and popcorning! It is years since Jack moved that fast lol

Ruffle has been squeaking through the bars, trying to get Jack's attention but Jack has been studiously ignoring him! So at least one of them wants to make friends...

The meeting date has been provisionally set for Friday when I have a day off work and can supervise them properly. I'll let you know what happens.
Good news! I held Ruffle up to the bars of Jack's cage just now and they had a good sniff of each other. No signs of aggression at all, I think all will be OK tomorrow - fingers crossed!
It went perfectly!

I put some towels down in the utility room and put up a little fence so they had about half the room (about 6 by 4 foot area). Then I put them in with a couple of tunnels and some food.

They sniffed around a bit and then settled down to eat the food. After an hour with no issues, I put them back into a newly cleaned out cage and left them to it. We have had some minor teeth chattering and chasing but it has settled down now and they seem very happy together :)
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