I've Just Seen/heard Rhona Chirping...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Was sat watching TV and heard a loud birdlike chirp from the pig room. Rushed in to find Rhona (only about six weeks old) sat under a wooden bridge chirping like a mad thing.

To be honest it was downright spooky as the other twelve girls (including week old Zelah) were stood completely still and watching her with their upmost concentration and reverence.

She eventually broke their trance but rushing across the floor and munched into some hay.
For some reason I cannot edit my post above but... I wanted to add Rhona hasn't been unwell or stressed as such but I do believe she is in her first season.
I wonder if girls are more prone to chirruping than boys. When I see posts on here about peoples guinea pigs doing it, its almost always a female.
What a special thing to witness. When mine have chirped they've been hormonal and one of them even humped the others for the first (and only time) after her first chip session. However there's others here who have found absolutely no connection with hormones when witnessing chirping, so who knows? I hope one day someone finds the answer as to what it means and why they do it, and why the others react like that.
I've caught chirping a few times, though it's been quite awhile (I've never heard it from Hadley and haven't heard it from Sundae in years, but I did hear her and Linney both chirp at odd intervals years ago.) No idea what it means, but the other pigs in hearing range certainly pay attention to it!
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