ive just had to seperate my good boys :(

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Feb 29, 2012
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high wycombe
i cant cope anymore, surely having pets shouldnt be this hard :(

well my naughty boy got a friend and they are now living lovely and peacefully outside x) after some trouble at the begining.

now my 2 boys who i have never had a problem with have just tried to kill each other :( we were getting them in from the run and put them both in the rhino bucket as normal, i put their house on them, as usual, and must have caught one of their feet! he turned round and went for the other one :( hair was pulled out and they wouldnt stop! i tipped the bucket out and they both fell on to the floor, came at each other again and started fighting :( it was horrible! sniffy managed to get in a little house thing and we blocked it before mr.bean could get in there. Ive let them calm down and put them back in the run (its 6ftx3ft) but they went for each other again :( we seperated again for a few mins and then tried again but they tried again to fight! they are now seperated, one is inside in a temp cage and the other is in the normal hutch.
i cant believe this has happened! i was all prepared to have to re-home my naughty one (onion) but him and the new baby (cheese) have bonded so well i thought all my issues were over and i could just enjoy having my longed for piggies!
i cant actually do this anymore, the 2 who have just tried to kill each other will have to go :( I'm so sad as i love them 2, they are big cuddly boys but we just cannot do this anymore, i cant bond them with others we we dont have the room/time/money to get yet more hutches/runs!
does anyone know a really good rescue that will take them both and find them a nice home and pair them with some they wont kill?
Anyone? Please? I need some personally recommend! I've found a couple buy don't know if they are any good? I'm too scared to try them together again, the fighting was awful! Never seen anything like that before! They have always been so happy together, I had awful nightmares about them last night :(
Here is a list of recommended rescues that may be able to help you.

I am afraid I have no advice for you as have not had to deal with fallouts (and hope I never do) but can only send you hugs. Are they going through the teenage stage and have become a little more hormone driven perhaps.

So sorry you are having a bad time, hopefully someone with more experience can help you.
It's a very sad situation but it's just something that happens sometimes and i can understand how stressful it must be for both you and your piggies.
My boys have been very agitated with each other recently, i think it's due to the time of year that it is.
However it sounds to me that you have done the right thing, and if I'm right this is the end of them being friends, as once fighting begins it rarely stops when they're put back together again.
I guess the solution would be to separate and find them each friends which i can understand is difficult to accommodate for !
Hopefully someone can come along and offer more advice.
thank you both x i cant get new friends for them, we dont have the space or money to do it again. We did have 3 (onion, sniffy, mr.bean) and onion started fighting with the other 2 so we separated them and doubled everything and found a friend for onion (cheese) so we now have 4 with 2 runs 2 hutches etc that cost a fortune and takes up a lot of space, we cannot get another and do the dating thing again, I'm really upset because these were the 2 that have always been fine! i had it in my head that if onion didnt bond with the baby then he would have to go as I'm not specialised to deal with such a piggy i NEVER thought this would happen to these two!
they are now in the 6ft run together with a divider (the lid of an indoor run lol) and they arent going for each other at all atm, does that mean there is hope?
thank you both x i cant get new friends for them, we dont have the space or money to do it again. We did have 3 (onion, sniffy, mr.bean) and onion started fighting with the other 2 so we separated them and doubled everything and found a friend for onion (cheese) so we now have 4 with 2 runs 2 hutches etc that cost a fortune and takes up a lot of space, we cannot get another and do the dating thing again, I'm really upset because these were the 2 that have always been fine! i had it in my head that if onion didnt bond with the baby then he would have to go as I'm not specialised to deal with such a piggy i NEVER thought this would happen to these two!
they are now in the 6ft run together with a divider (the lid of an indoor run lol) and they arent going for each other at all atm, does that mean there is hope?

Mr M and Wally Whiskers had some serious falling outs,they couldn't agree who was boss and I didn't know about boardating etc at the time and had adopted them as a pair ( who'd always lived together and had falling outs in the past) so I just seperated them for a few hours. They'd go back in with each other, Wally would eventually get his way and "glue" Mr M and then things would be resolved. I don't know if it's worth you trying again, all I can say is that after a major scuffle things usually resolved themselves but having said that I always wonder if the constant stress shortened Mr M's life 8...
i think it was my fault tho :( i caught a foot and he span and attacked the other pig probably thinking it was him :( i feel sick with myself they were so happy before. Mr.bean was inside last night (only place to put him) and sniffy was still in his hutch, he was so sad, barely moved :( i have bad luck with animals honestly!
If it wasn't a dominance issue just a lashing out because of a sore paw then maybe there is hope. x
Yep I read that thread x I took the divide away in the run yesterday and they didn't go for each other straight away but after a few mins they started nipping and rocking side to side and loud teeth chattering nd chasing so we separated them again. One is indoors and one is out, I can't see this ever working and I'm devastated :( those two were the ones I had no issues with and now this. I'm not an expert and think with expert help they could be friends again but I don't have the time or room or skills to do it :( so yh basically I'm going to be ringing round rescues today to see if anyone can take them both x
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