Ive got a biter

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent
Mocha who is about 6 months old seems to enjoy biting when she is held. I hold her close to my chest and give her little strokes down her back whilst moving her from hutch to run or to indoors. She will purposely turn herself around and attack anything that looks like skin and has drawn blood on me on one occasion. Ive tried to calm her down but she really doesnt like it. We have never mistreated her or the other 4 and they all get the equal amount of love.

The only thing we can think of is that piggies maybe have a superb memory. When we went to get them, the guy wasnt exactly careful about catcjhing them and pinned them down in their cage which both me and my girlfriend found a little distressing. Is it possible that because her first contact with humans wasnt exactly loving that she now considers humans a threat? I have tried holding her in different ways, talking to her calmly when stroking her but she is having none of it.

Any ideas?
One of mine doesn't like being carried and nips at clothing.
Maybe yours doesn't like being carried, or stroked down her back.
Have you checked her for lice?
Nibbles seems better since we discovered he had them.
Hope this helps.
Anne. :)
she doesnt seem to mind being stroked down her back and I know to stop if she pushes her head up. They are due a bath this weekend and we do have lice shampoo (more precaution then reaction) so we will give her a good scrub!

We can literally just hold her and she will turn and strike almost like a snake to bite, is she just one of lifes naughty piggies?
could be.
Is she ok when you sit with her on your lap?
It could be lice so its worth giving it a shot and seeing if she improves. They are some biters in the piggy world , mines never bitten but nips a little at my clothes when he s annoyed at me ::)
shes fine on the lap getting some treats or being stroked, its mainly when putting her back in her hutch after some time in the run, to be honest they all play up a little when goign to bed but she crosses the line and decides to bite. She will even double back on herself and bury down to find some of my hand to bite, little minx :'(
She sounds like a right little character. :)
ouch i bet that really hurts , wonder what you can do to maybe stop this, i heard on one site to gently blow in their face ? not sure if that would work and make them more angry :o
if i make her any angrier shell be lunging for my throat! I might try and record her on my phonecam to show you what a madam is she. Despite her doing all this I still love her LOL
Mine don't bite but don't like the initial picking up or putting back....the only solution we have is the plastic ferret tube- they love it and when I present it to them they climb in and i transport them that way. I put my hands over both ends to keep them safe which i guess would expose your flesh..but you could use a piece of cardboard or something to block the teeth end! It works for us, they happily crawl out onto our laps or back to their hutch. Maybe if your piggy feels insecure/frightened when being carried this would work for you...mine don't like the sensation of moving away from your body when going back or coming out of the hutch. Lesley
She may feel more secure if you wrap her in a towel or something similar before carrying her. Timmy has been better since we have been doing this, he was a mental biter although we have had him from a baby so it wasn`t anything we did! Once he is on our lap, he does settle but wriggles pretty soon to get down ;D
I got bitten today by weenie. Her and badger had a tussle in the grass house ::) and weenie was chattering at badger and since i was just about to clean them out i went to pick badger up and must have touched weenie in the process and she thought it was badger coming back for a second go and turned round and jabbed me. Thats the first time ive had a piggie draw blood on me, poor little weenie i think shes also a little touchy cos her mites have just come back again and her back end is a little itchy plus shes having her injections once a week :o
Cornelia, too, was a biter. She was having none of it when I tried to hold her. What I found helped was not to put her away when she would bite because then she'd think that biting would allow her to have her way. Instead, I'd put her down next to me on the bed or sofa and would just talk to her and stroke her without picking her up. She's also muuuuch better now. She gives me kisses instead :D It definitely takes time but can be done!
ive come to the conclusion she only dilikes being handles when being "put to bed".

We moved our piggies into the gargage yesterday so this afternoon the missus and i sat in the garage and took a piggy each in turn (there are 5) and hand fed them. I took Mocha who happily sat on my lap devouring a fresh lettuce leaf whilst being belly rubbed and stroked. After she finished I picked her up and cuddled her and she was ok. She nibbbled my fingers but it seemed more of an exploratory nibble than anything.
GOD I HATE THIS TIME OF YEAR, i try to spend as much time in the garage with them as possible.
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