It's that season! Clipping the long haired pigs!


Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
So today I decided it was time to do the first summer clip of my 3 long haired pigs Rocco, Felicity and Phoenix. Thankfully they are all easy to clip! I decided to photograph the stages of Rocco's clip as I thought it was such an amusing change! 😲😲


Here is all the hair from the session! Left is Rocco, top middle is Phoenix and right is Felicity's 😂😂

:eek: How much lol! You wouldn't think there would be so much off such little animals!
It's amazing the amount of hair on them! Rocco is a Texel, Phoenix is a Peruvian and Felicity is a Coronet.
Just go with your gut Jacky. At the moment with the nightly chill I wouldn't clip her just yet as she lives outdoors, but perhaps give her a trim?
Just go with your gut Jacky. At the moment with the nightly chill I wouldn't clip her just yet as she lives outdoors, but perhaps give her a trim?
She had a bum bath yesterday in readiness for a trim this morning but I had a house to tidy as we had another viewing this afternoon (didn't know at the time of the bum bath!) so I'll have to do it next week as we away for the weekend and I have to gather all of Christian's stuff as he coming with us! He will spend the days in the awning and the night in the car as I can't risk foxes getting to him :yikes: :yikes:
Wow - that’s a lot of fur.
You could knit a jumper with that lot.
How do you keep them still?

Priscilla usually ends up half done as she doesn’t like to stay still
They pretty much just sit there and I take my time with lots of praise.