It's happened again!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
Preston, UK
So, another pair of mine have decided to fall out.
After taking in a baby boar a few months ago, I put him with my one year old who was alone after falling out with his last friend.

They got on brilliant for a while, but then Snickers (the one year old) decided to start fighting with Crumpet (the baby).

Anyway, during floor time, Snickers ran at Crumpet and they had a little swabble. Snickers had been nipping Crumpet for a while now but I thought this was just usual dominance.

After checking Crumpet, Snickers has taken a big chunk from his ear and it was bleeding :(

I've put Crumpet in a separate cage, as I will be leaving them over night and didn't want to risk anything else especially with no one being in to watch.

So is that it? Will they have to seperated permanently? It's strange because Crumpet doesn't fight back, he accepts snickers as the boss, so the fight they had was more snickers just attacking Crumpet!

Advice would be great

It may be that your adult boar is a very dominant male, who shows his dominance through aggression. In nature a dominant male would chase off young boars as they entered their hormonal stage and I think your boy is doing just that.

Have you any females that may be setting this behaviour off? If you choose to try a new male companion for your adult I would strongly suggest going boar dating at a GP rescue so that a personality match with another adult boar, 15 month + can be made. Not all males will accept another easily, but with perseverence you sould be able to find someone he likes.


Suzy x
There are no females in the room with them. I have 4 other boys (6 in total) so have no space for anymore. They already have a room to themselves :(
I would love to get another, but this is my second attempt at bonding snickers with another after falling out with another boar when he was a baby.

Shall I not try them together again then? Or wait until Crumpet has passed his hormonal stage?
If you feel that they like each other and the fall out was due more to hormones than a personality clash then a re-introduction could work. A bit of time out will hopefully calm things and they will be happy to see each other again.

As this is the second boar to fail the chances are that your adult is very dominant, to the point of being aggressive. Waiting until he is 15 months and his hormones are more settled is probably the earliest you will have a chance for it to work long term.

Boys are such a challenge* sometimes (for challenge read pain in the A**e).

Suzy x
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