It's Cobweb and Pigpig!

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I've made a few posts now, so I thought I'd post my lovely boys up for you all to admire! Thanks for looking! :smitten:


This is Cobweb, peeking out of his old house


Trying to get him to pose. Isn't he handsome? ;D


My avatar! Look at chubby little Pigpig - he looks like a furry Easter egg!


I've had to seperate them, but they cry when they're apart - Cobweb climbed over from me to my husband in this photo to be close to Pigpig (yeah, that's my hubby, not me, I don't have a beard yet!)


LOOK AT THE FACE! How cute is that?! Pigpig's, not my husband!


Shy Pigpig wouldn't pose.. aw

Heehee! ;D
ooooh they're both luverly! :D Love Pigpig especially (cos I love ginges!) :smitten: On the piggy lips pic - he looks like he's got lippy on! (Pigpig I mean, not your Hubbie! ;) ;D )

Why did they have to be separated? Were they being naughty little boys?
LOL! My hubby might get more kisses if he did have piggie lips! Did you notice he's a bit of a ginge too?! :D

They were indeed being naughty, Cobweb is a really bad-tempered mean critter (I love him to bits!) and just kept pestering Pigpig and Pigpig got so fed up and then the real aggression started. Pigpig's only 7 or 8 weeks old, bless. They're both happier in the same cage with the mesh divider, I know coz Pigpig started popcorning for the first time a few days after I split them!
Tell me about it! ::)
Ive got two sows Ruby and Dilys - one's more dominant than the other. When the 'not so dominant' sow Dil is feeling a bit 'hormonal' she likes to think she's the dominant one... only lasts a day though bless! My more dominent one Ruby just lets her get on with it cos she knows it wont last for long!

I think though Dil is a bit clingy and Rube like to be her own pig. They soon miss each other though, if I have to carry one at a time somewhere!

But sometimes Dil gets a bit fed up of being bossed around by Rube. So I sympathise with you there. But they love each other really - they're just like proper sisters...

Enjoy the forum! ;)
Thanks, PiggyLoon! ;D

Yup, out of the cage they just have to be near each other. Even though Cobweb is mean to him, Pigpig is always looking for him, and starts wheeking for him if he can't see him. It was quite hard to get photos of Pigpig, as he was running around looking for Cobweb!

Mean and aloof as he is, Cobweb is a big softie really, they each have their own wooden cabins in their own parts of the cage but choose to sleep right next to the divider, bottom to bottom.
Cobweb looks like he has some attitude! Toootally gorgeous though :smitten: Pigpig is so cute! They look so sweet together <3
Aw thank you! I know there's a lot of exclamation marks in this post but I just love them to bits!

Cobweb is handsome, isn't he, and even though he is a grumpy devil he is the most tactile piggie - he loves getting cuddles and really snuggles in!

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Awww they are so lovely :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thank you dazie and Sian :smitten:

I know I'm horribly biased but you're both right - they are lovely! ;)

Teehee! O0
awwwwwwww :smitten: :smitten:
I LOVE are right, he does look like a baby version of my John Anderson!
Thank you flm & gingerpig (love your forum name!) ;D

I will probably use this thread to post photos of Pigpig when he is a bit bigger - see if he does look more like John Anderson!

Thanks for your lovely comments, everyone :smitten:
Only just seen these beautiful boys :smitten: :smitten:

Gorgeous :smitten: :smitten:
Your husband looks like my friend des :o

Are you des' wife? :o

That would be wweeeeird! ;D ;D ;D

They are gorgeous puggers!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks, Cherry! ;D

Wow, how can you tell from a bit of beard? :o

My hubby's name is Grant, but when I'm annoyed with him I call him Grunt.. or worse! >:D
;D @ Grunt....

RE the chin....I dont know...Des is the only person I know that has that kind of chin/beard, and it always has food in it, so i spend a lot of time staring at it with a horrified expression on my face ;D ;D
LOL again! ;D You are a funny kitten, Cherry! ;D

My hubby is far too greedy to let food escape into his beard!
;D Gorgeous boys, al three ;D ;D
and hey, by the way, I am a ginge too :D well a redhead, sounds sexier you know!
LOL! Thanks cavy and LJ!

He prefers to call himself a 'ginge'. I've coloured my hair for years but I'm actually a bit of a ginge too, to be honest!
Hubby started to lose the hair on his head so I persuaded him to shave it (quit before you get fired sort of thing) and on his last hols from work just let the face fuzz grow. I really, really like The Beard. He keeps threatening to shave it off and I will go into the biggest huff he ever does it.

I've threatened to stop shaving if he starts! >:D
PS re beards, my pal's hubby has one and we all went out for curry and much beer last weekend - anyway they stayed over at ours and the next mornign there was curry stains all over th epillow - he had dropped his tikka masal in his beard! :laugh:

Thanks Katie, I like Pigpig's funny faint little stripe as well, he also has a little white bum and one back leg is white - so cute! :smitten:
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