It's a wet little Spaz!

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Gave Spaz a bath the other day and here are his pics.

Here he is right after putting him in the water

Spaz loves to shake off all the water after a bath

He's peeping his head over to see wats going on and to tell me he wants to go back to his cage

To show me how upset he is at me for giving him a bath, he tries to mess up his cage I had just cleaned and fixed up
Wow, I just can't get over his coloring! He's adorable! I especially like the 3rd picture. It's like he's saying "OK Mummy, I am not happy with you- put me back in my cage" and posing at the same time.

:) Kimmie
awww bless, mine always tug at the towels as I dry them, I love wet piggys they look so angelic lol
Wow he looks just like Sully (still miss you sooo much little boy) except Sully had a white little stipe on his nose.

He's very handsome and the peeping one is hilarious ;) ;)
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