its a big no!


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 5, 2021
Reaction score
Teesside, UK
ive just got the grain free selective food for the boys and they will not touch it. i want to give the best but they will not touch it. i am giving them their current pallets as well. they will eat that but no this ggrrrr.


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It can take a while for them to accept a change - continue with the slow change over until they are fully transitioned onto the new pellets. Plus, it is likely that these pellets taste very different to the ones they were being given - If I remember rightly, your other pellets contain carrot so they likely taste sweeter than the ss grain free.
It can take a while for them to accept a change - continue with the slow change over until they are fully transitioned onto the new pellets. Plus, it is likely that these pellets taste very different to the ones they were being given - If I remember rightly, your other pellets contain carrot so they likely taste sweeter than the ss grain free.
these are the current ones. they are eating these ones but leaving the grain free


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Yes I remember you posted the picture the other day. The mr Johnson’s contain carrot so are likely to taste nicer. They will go for the familiar flavour.
Keep persevering. Eventually they will either realise they have to eat the ss grain free when they are the only ones they are being given, or they will end up not eating pellets but should instead increase their hay intake
I feel I spoil my piggies with their good hay and varied veg. Mine aren't that keen on grain free science selective, but that's what they get 😁 I change a piggy over a couple weeks at least, from its original nuggets. If they don't eat much, I know I've covered the more important aspects of their diet.
my guinea pigs eat their current pellats and then dont eat the new one and tip the bowl over
I completely agree with everyone - it’ll take weeks for the change to happen. If they really won’t eat the ss grain free, then perhaps you can try something else. I just would personally want to move away from the mr Johnson’s and really focus on getting them onto a grass/timothy based pellet that does not contain alfalfa
I agree with the others. You need, day by day, to offer less of their current nuggets and more of the new nuggets until all that is on offer is the grain free nuggets.
As a foster carer of guinea pigs, this is a regular issue for us. Piggies come in to the rescue used to one brand of pellets and we have to switch them over to our preferred healthier grain free pellets. If piggies are neglected and starving they will eat anything, the fussy ones are those that well fed and cared for, and have learned to manipulate their humans! It’s like dealing with toddlers. You just have to be patient and persist.
On both occasions where I had to change my pigs foods from what previous owner fed to what I wanted to feed, I did I straight swap; no mixing with previous food. This may not be the best option but I feed SS grain free and tbh switching straight to a grass based pellet didn't upset tums at all. Remember, pellets are such a small part of their overall diet and one bit you can actually omit, so don't worry if they don't touch the pellets for a while. Have you tried offering it as treats?
On both occasions where I had to change my pigs foods from what previous owner fed to what I wanted to feed, I did I straight swap; no mixing with previous food. This may not be the best option but I feed SS grain free and tbh switching straight to a grass based pellet didn't upset tums at all. Remember, pellets are such a small part of their overall diet and one bit you can actually omit, so don't worry if they don't touch the pellets for a while. Have you tried offering it as treats?
they are starting to eat it abit but they eat their current pellets first and then the new one lol
they are starting to eat it abit but they eat their current pellets first and then the new one lol
Thats ok. They're probably testing to see if it's safe first.

Think of it this way, you give a plate to children. On this plate they've got some chocolate biscuits and an apple. Most will eat the biscuits first and leave the apple for a bit before realising there's nothing else to eat, then reluctantly eat it. Guinea pigs are the same.
they are starting to eat it abit but they eat their current pellets first and then the new one lol
It's encouraging that they are starting to eat the new pellets. It sometimes takes a while for them to realise what they are. With Guinea Pigs what goes in, stays in as they can't be sick so they are naturally cautious of new food. When I adopted RB Piggy Pretty Patsy, I put a hay cookie in the run as a treat. She immediately backed away from it like it was poison until she saw Meg and Betsy eating it, then she cautiously took a bite, found it tasted nice and she was happily gobbling away after that.