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New Born Pup
May 24, 2021
Reaction score

My guinea pig (2 yrs old, male) has been non stop itching for the past few weeks so I took him to the vets the other day and they suspected mites or some sort of parasites so he was given 5 pippetes of Xeno 50 and I was told to put it all down his neck and back all at once so I did. But its been couple days now and he is still itching and he seems like he is in some pain because of it. If it were mites would I need to do a second round of treatment? What should i do? Cant stand seeing my baby in pain! :(

Thank you in advance
When treating for mites, it needs to be done as three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment - so six weeks worth of treatment to cure an active infestation.
The treatment only kills the active mites not their eggs, so a second treatment is needed to kill the eggs which will have hatched by then. The third treatment then makes sure everything is gone.

New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights
Ah I see! That makes a lot of sense. So should I use the same dosages as I did for the first round (5 pippetes of Xeno 50) ? Thank you for your help! :)
Ah I see! That makes a lot of sense. So should I use the same dosages as I did for the first round (5 pippetes of Xeno 50) ? Thank you for your help! :)

Dosage is based on piggy’s weight. You will need to speak to your vet about completing the course of treatment

Do ensure you also clean the cage and accessories with a good disinfectant, F10 is recommended, as well as changing your hay source (in the case of hay mites)
Dosage is based on piggy’s weight. You will need to speak to your vet about completing the course of treatment

Do ensure you also clean the cage and accessories with a good disinfectant, F10 is recommended, as well as changing your hay source (in the case of hay mites)
Dosage is based on piggy’s weight. You will need to speak to your vet about completing the course of treatment

Do ensure you also clean the cage and accessories with a good disinfectant, F10 is recommended, as well as changing your hay source (in the case of hay mites)
Yes I cleaned and changed everything when I gave him the first treatment and I bought new hay as well. Also disposed of toys that couldnt be disinfected such as cardboard tunnels. And okay I will book him in for just under two weeks time to get the next round. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to lessen his suffering? :( Thank you.